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In a secluded village located somewhere in Asia...

Clasping her small hands around her mother's, Eleta's hands became sweaty as they rushed to a nearby closet. Her adrenaline kicked in when she heard the banging on the front door.

Her heartbeat was beating rapidly as she heard the yelling and faint orange and red glow outside their windows.

"Mother? What's happening?"

Her mother's red lips hushed her by placing it on her forehead. While they sat inside the tiny closet, her hazel eyes matched with Eleta's glistening in the moonlight as a drop traveled its way down her soft cheeks. Her fingers combed through the messy hair, slowly comforting the little one. A sudden scream echoed. Her mother wrapped her arms around Eleta who began to wail.

"Shh, my child."

The child's sobs became whimpers as she tried to hold in the fear that was building up inside of her. She could feel her mother's arms stroke her back as she pressed her lips to her ears.

"My little girl, you will need to be brave for me."

Eleta's eyes widened in fear. Pulling back, she took in the sight of her mother's face. Her complexion was thin and frail from the lack of food that no one would provide for them. Her arms were like sticks and bruises were spotted against her pale skin from the beating she received from the villagers.

"Don't leave me, mommy!"

The ten-year-old whimpered again. Her mother's tears cascaded down while embracing her tightly against her torn clothes. Eleta dug her nose into her mother's shoulder. The aroma of blood and sweat filled her nostrils as she dug her grimy nails into her mother's weak shoulders refusing to let go.

"Daddy needs help."

"Are you going to fight the villagers away?"

Placing her forehead on Eleta's, her eyes held in the younger reflection of herself. Frail and petite. The thought of her being whipped and tortured by those villagers outside made her shudder.

"No, but your mommy needs to stand up for what is right. They don't know God and God wants us to show them who He is." Her thumb swept the moisture underneath Eleta's eyes.

"What if they take you away from me?" Her voice cracked as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

Her mother's face became dreary as she rubbed Eleta's frail hands which softened at her touch.

"You need to be brave for me, Eleta. You are to become the next Messenger of God like me. You are a part of that chosen generation and your purpose is to show God's love to others. And right now, God wants me to show His love to them."

Her mother's eyes were filled with joy and sorrow because she was given such a great task by God but had to leave her daughter at the same time. Tears rushed down Eleta's cheeks and splatted against the hard floor. Arms surrounded her body again as she nuzzled against the soft cotton of her mother's blue nightgown. Her mother's lips continuously pecked her cheeks and ears. As her mother released her, her body felt a chill where her warmth once was.

"I love you, Eleta." Her mother's voice whispered her last words as her body disappeared outside of the closet doors. Eleta's hands rubbed her shoulders where her mother's hands were; her heart aching. The sounds of the mob outside continued until a shrill cry rang out followed by the mob's chanting.

Eleta's body crumpled to the floor, feeling lifeless knowing the fate her own mother just faced outside. Her chest continued to rise and fall. Staring at the closet doors, red glows illuminated in front of her eyes. Her eyelids drooped as the dancing lights disappeared and darkness followed.

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