Chapter 2 - No One Will Stand In Her Way

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Mallory moved strands of her blonde hair back into place as she impatiently called out to her driver. "How much longer?"

"We're almost there, miss." The driver adjusted his mirror, glancing at Mallory with no expression.

Mallory rolled her eyes in annoyance and scanned through her phone as she read through her script. She was finally allowed to audition to become the company's next new actress and she couldn't be late. Mallory wanted to show everyone from school how much better she was than that new girl, Eleta. Her brain wandered back in memory at the first day of freshman year.

Wearing a pleated gray skirt with a long blue ribbon across her white top, Mallory's beauty had made a great impression on a majority of the students as she walked into high school for the first time. Her long blonde hair flowed and gleamed in the light while exuding confidence in her every step. Many eyes followed her every move as she stood in front of her bare locker. People whispered around her.

"She's so pretty!"

"Is she a senior? She looks so mature!"

"She'll definitely attract all the guys here."

"I heard she's really smart too!"

She listened attentively to all the gossip flowing around her as she was the center of attention. She was used to this. There was never a time where someone else outshone her. Not until the spring of freshman year.

Mallory's eyes went cold as her brain fast-forwarded to a few months later.

"Mallory, you're so good at tests! I can never understand the stuff that's on there. It's like I'm seeing it for the first time!"

Her friend, Halley, moved her mouth nonstop as she sat her lunch next to Mallory whose eyes had drifted to a new girl in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Earth to Mallory."

A hand waved in front of Mallory's zoned out expression. Mallory looked at Naomi's hand expressionlessly and picked her fork back up to pierce into her salad. She looked back up at the two people staring back at her. Halley had just dyed her hair light red complimenting her almond-shaped brown eyes, delicate nose, and red lips. Naomi had a refined look with narrow green eyes, long thin lips and curly black hair. They weren't the prettiest but they definitely knew how to improve their looks with makeup. Mallory's red lips stretched across her face.

"Sorry, I was just looking at that new girl over there."

Her thin fingers pointed to the brunette whose head was dipped looking at her phone.

"Oh, she's the new transfer student that came in. I think she's in our class. She covers her face a lot with that hair. I wonder if she's hiding something," Naomi answered as she giggled.

"Or maybe she's got acne." Halley chimed in.

As the two continued to make cruel jokes, Mallory looked back at the girl who had just left the cafeteria.

When the fifth period arrived, Mallory sat at the back of the class nearest to the window glazing her eyes over the clouds outside. Looking back into the classroom, she stretched her toned legs out while a brown-haired girl appeared through the doorway.

"Is this the new girl?"

Some people mumbled as the transfer student made her way to a desk at the front of the classroom. Mallory's eyes quickly shot up. Her eyes glazed over to the new girl's back. Everyone was whispering now.

"Is she a transfer student?"

"She looks pretty smart. I wonder if she can help me with my homework."

"I wonder why she was hiding her face all this morning. It's not that bad, it's quite pretty."

Mallory's eyebrows cocked upward. Pretty? No one can be pretty and hide their face. Just as Mallory was about to walk up to the new girl, the teacher walked in the classroom and everyone quickly took their seats.

"Alright, class. I'm sure you've seen we have a new student with us today."

The teacher set her bag down and adjusted her glasses against her narrow nose as her piercing eyes wandered to the transfer student.

"Please introduce yourself."

The brunette stood from her seat and made her way to the front. As she turned around, Mallory's eyes glared at her. "There was nothing pretty about her. She's completely average. She doesn't even look that smart either. Have these people gone blind?" she thought. Mallory continued to throw negative thoughts at her in her head gripping at the end of her eraser placed on her desk.

"My name is Eleta Alon. I've just moved around here a few weeks ago which I thank God since I got to meet such wonderful people here."

Her expression was a bit timid but confident. Her humbleness was evident as the class admired her statement. The room bustled with conversations as they all asked her questions and became the center of attention. Meanwhile, a dark aura was leaking out of Mallory as she wasn't being noticed at all.

Her teeth ground together with her cheeks flaring up. She had never felt such hatred towards a person before, especially one she barely met.

Mallory snapped her blue eyes back to her surroundings in her limo. Her memory ran through everything that Eleta took from her from that day on when she had dazzled everyone with her humility, earned multiple awards for achieving the highest grades, and won the presidency for every club. Mallory's eyes grew darker.

Each victory Eleta earned, Mallory was only second by comparison. She was the girl everyone talked about and Mallory was soon forgotten. Out of all the clubs in the school however, there was one club Eleta wasn't in, and that was drama club. It was filled with people desiring to be actors and actresses. Mallory was one of them as she thought of the fame that she could get out of it. Everyone would be focusing on her and her accomplishments, not Eleta. She would outshine everyone else because of her talent and become the center of attention again and step on anyone who came in her way.

"We are here, miss."

Mallory snapped back from her daydreaming and huffed at the driver as he opened the limo door for her. Heading towards the BHE building in her expensive clothing brands, she cat-walked her way towards one of the assistants.

"Excuse me, where are the auditions?"

Mallory smiled sweetly with her perfect face at the male assistant standing there with glazed eyes staring at her. Dazed by her beauty, the man led her to the auditioning room. After thanking him, she flipped her perfect curls off her shoulders and smirked as she knew that in no time, she would rise to the top and no one will stand in her way.

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