Part I, Chapter 4: Dawn of a New Day

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After completing the labor of filling and carrying a good-sized wooden tub of water, Cameron returned to his room, which was lit with nothing but the light of the moon through his smaller window.

He took this time to reflect upon recent events, as he often did. It was like attempting to cover a lifetime of events in a single thought for the collie, going from eating a usual morning bun in his mostly-abandoned home to being close royal company in a matter of weeks.

He made sure the door was closed, then, after doing away with his clothes, stepped into the large wooden basin, sitting in the cold water. He took the cloth, and rubbed away at his fur, trying to get the grime out of it. It was successful enough, and he enjoyed the feeling of sitting in the water until he realized how much dirt had accumulated. He stepped out, then shook himself dry like the dog he was. Finally, he got dressed in some simpler sleepwear, and then took the large tub in his arms. He opened the window, and looked down, then poured the water out accordingly.

Marco yawned, stepping out of his own room, and smiled. "Liking it all so far?" he sleepily asked.

"I was just thinking of it. Of course I am! It's so unlike anything I've ever even imagined back home," the young dog answered.

"Good, good. I had my reservations about you, you know, someone so suddenly invited in. I was a little jealous, even, but you're clearly some good company." The wolf threw out what his cauldron held after he finished explaining, where the spot was designated. He then sighed, and brought it back into his room, where he anticlimactically closed his door, without another word.

How someone could seemingly take this grandiose castle life for granted was beyond Cameron, as he walked back to the room. He looked in the mirror, and picked at his teeth, then sighed. What time was it, midnight? He flopped into bed, and snoozed.

A knock at the door abruptly awoke the otherwise snoozing canine, and Cameron, now awake, opened his eyes.

"Ah! Where am I!?" he shouted, then covered his mouth, having that brief lapse of memory. He remembered where he was, but was still shocked. He then had a minute where he recollected the past while's events, and was so surprised to not find them a dream. The best dream ever, and it was all real. It was time for breakfast, he then remembered, putting all of those other thoughts aside.

Marco blinked as he waited for Cameron.

"You sure did it," Marco said, scornfully.

"Oh God, already?" Cameron sighed, wondering what he already did wrong to warrant this scolding. "Was there some sort of mistake I made?"

"Wow, you're paranoid. I'm joking!" the wolf laughed, patting the dog's head. "We're apparently invited to breakfast, too. I'd bet on lunch, too, with this streak," he explained.

"Regular company, are we?" the dog yelped at the very thought.

"An honor, indeed, one you've gained for me, too," Marco nodded, and, in his excitement, held his hand out, to lead the way.

Cameron took this gesture of friendship, and started to run along.

"Slow down! You're in the royal hall, after all!" Marco playfully warned.

Thus, they made their way to the hall, where the royal couple, as expected, welcomed them. Felix still seemed mildly reluctant to the idea of his wife's musician eating with them, but, as always, he respected her word as much as she respected his. A rare relationship for these times, it was. They all feasted on a mighty plate awarded to each of them, with fresh bacon and quail eggs, as well as a leg of chicken. Fit for royalty, being a good thing, considering the circumstances. The collie bard, at first, dug in with nothing but his paws, then saw the fork, and remembered what it was for.

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