Part IV, Chapter 3: Plans, and Advice

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"It would be the most daring and baffling statement to say that there is a Kingdom that I often wish I resided in more than Valentia, I know," Felix initially wrote to his rabbit friend, the same Venetian duke from the last holidays, "but it is yours that I would say this about. Even when I stand to the east, looking at the shore of the sea that our wonderful city lies on, or to the west, where the city truly sprawls and the people of my domain make their peaceful business, I still sometimes feel a pang of longing for Venetia. It is with this letter that I might request to be a guest, for, not only do I wish to visit, but there is another affair I wish to attend to at the Vatican."

It was June, now, and Felix had been waiting for the reply to the letter he'd written. Of course, royal mail was of highest priority among carriers, but also obvious was the fact that, even in these improving times, mail came only as quickly as the wind could carry a sail. However, it was finally today that he'd received a reply:

"With royal honor do I allow you to Venetia, Your Highness, as you had allowed me in your equally beautiful land. Your royal welcome shall be ready if and when you come," the letter from the rabbit read.

It was at this moment that Felix looked up, and smiled. Oh, what a fine way to spend a good few summer weeks. Taking a break from all the royal duties, to travel to a place where he wouldn't worry about having to be killed by a vengeful assassin. He took another look at the letter, and then imagined riding a gondola through the rivers that made up the streets of the beautiful city.

A damning image, when considering who he wanted to take with, for reasons he wished to think of no further. He shook his head, fluffing his mane a little in the process. Then, he took a deep breath, and went to talk with the lion Queen in question. Not about his self-startling thoughts, no. That much he wouldn't dare. Just about the vacation he was now planning.

"You're entirely sure you wouldn't want to come along?" Felix asked, baffled at his wife's answer to the description of his planned traveling.

"I'd simply have no reason. And someone has to look after the Kingdom, especially to make sure it isn't entirely in Iago's talons," Ophelia mewled back, a book in her hand. "As much as he is knowledgeable about the Testaments, the choices he makes for the Kingdom are ones that I can't at all leave for him to make. Thank you, again, for delivering those letters of mine to the house of law," she reminded.

"Entirely welcome, love. I, too, am questioning," Felix sighed, leaving it at that for the moment.

"...of what?" Ophelia mewed.

"Of His Holiness's ability to look after the Kingdom while we're gone," came the quick clarification from a pondering King. "It always seems there's more problems than there were when we leave."

"Besides," the lioness snickered, "you wouldn't be able to handle me in such a small boat. I'd be bored and homesick beyond belief."

"Ah, I probably wouldn't," the King nodded. "I remember how you were with that trip to Aquitania on our first anniversary. Heh."

"Surely! That was the worst," the Queen now smiled in hindsight. "Glad we decided to celebrate at home."

"I may be leaving within the week. Is that alright with you?" the King now asked.

"Of course," Ophelia answered. "You know who else I think might really enjoy coming along?"

"Marco and Lætitia? They might find it so wonderfully romantic, indeed," Felix chuckled. "The wolf and his lovebird seem so close nowadays."

"Maybe. I was especially thinking upon Sir Cameron, you know," the lioness reminded once again. "Goodness, the only time he's been abroad, and you take him to war, to see nothing but slavery and blood spilled on hot sand! You're lucky he's not sour at you for it. Show him what a vacation is like," she giggled.

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