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Guys, hello, sorry I didn't update since a month or something. I can explain.

Well I can't explain coz I procrastinated but okay. ILL TRY TO UPDATE FREQUENTLY OKAY LOVEYOU

Claire was sure she had refused to go back to that city to attend the wedding. She was so sure that she would rather sit home and work on her writing project, because her career and the costs of living depended on it.

Yet, here she is, getting down from the 10pm bus, but it was already midnight and the sky seemed to imitate the colour of her soul.

Now what? Why did she suddenly change her mind and take the bus to the hometown? Where will she go? What will she do?  She didn't want to text Adam. It'll only mean she lost the battle.

The only way she was gonna spend the night was under a street lamp, hugging her bag close to herself while shivering in the cold.

The bus roared back to life and left her all alone among the strangers.

She flung her bag around her shoulders and decided to walk. Maybe she could make it to her parents' house? She could as well give them a surprise? Not that her parents will be pleased to see her disgraceful face.

Not to mention, they were a little too happy when she moved out and into another city, not even slightest bit worried, because apparently, they 'believed' in her and her abilities to handle any situation.


She continued walking.

"Claire!" She paid no heed, assuming someone around had the same name as her. And why would anyone at this hour- "Claire COOPER!"

She paused in her tracks, shutting her eyes close and groaning in annoyance. It was definitely Adam. That asshole knew how to talk her into agreeing. And now, he even knew she would come by the 10pm bus he had mentioned.

Claire whipped herself around and shot a glare at the cheeky smiling face in front of her.

"Adam." She nodded, teeth gritted.

"Claire, you came!" He attempted to hug her, pretending to have been seeing her after years of staying away.

"Lay your finger and I'll break it." She warned, to which he chuckled but hugged her anyway. He had an advantage over her, now that he had grown completely and was no more a teenager. He had wide shoulders and was approximately 6ft tall.

He was tall and he knew quite well how to tower over people.

"Let's get you going." He said, and lead her towards their car, and the lord knew how happy Adam was to be receiving her off the bus station.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Well, Hailey wants us to stay with her. It's your choice though, what do you say?"

She thought for a second, as staying with her friends was tempting but at the same time, she didn't exactly want to meet ... people. It's all going to be packed.

Her plan: attend the engagement, go back home, come back and attend the weddings, and go right back home.

"Drive me home. I want to meet my parents." She looked down, before taking her seat in the car.

"Okay then." Adam shrugged. All he cared about was whether Claire would come or not, and he was more than delighted to say the least. With Claire around, Hailey will surely be hopeful.


Claire rang the bell twice to her parents house, and waited for the door to be answered, while Adam stood next to her patiently.

"Oh my god, Marcus, why don't you ever take the charge around here?" The distant arguing voices could be heard through the door, and the two could do nothing but stare.

"Why would I, when you're existing?"

"It's 3am! Someone's at the door and you want me to answer?"

"It's 12."

Both Adam and Claire shot a glance towards the time, and shared a look.

Soon, The door opened, and Claire's father popped his head out and looked at them blankly, before closing the door on their faces.

"Are you sure there was someone at the door? I think I'm hallucinating." They heard her father say from the other side.

"Who is it?!"

"Claire? Adam? But they never visit."

"Oh my god, Marcus, open the goddamn door."

A minute later, Claire was met by a huge, warm hug from her mother, and she did nothing but stand there. She didn't know how to return physical affection and her parents were totally fine with that.

Well, this was going to be a good three months.

The Good Boy's FacadeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon