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"I'm so freaking sorry." Lucas begged, walking behind Claire as she stormed around the hallways trying to find their room. "Please, Claire, you know I can't go against my dad on these issues."

"You were meant to come with hailey!" Claire yelled, furious at everything that had been happening today. It was such an annoying day, Claire wanted to flip someone out of a balcony.

"I know! But she refused!"

"So you asked me to come?!"

"Yes. I mean no! I only spotted you in the cafe and thought it'd be a nice idea to take you with me."

"How the fuck? Why the fuck? What the fuck?" Claire stopped walking abruptly, making Lucas stop too. She turned around, eyes darkened and a red alert went off in Lucas' mind.

"I- I.. uh I.. didn't want to.. to come alone." He gulped, taking a step back, and she took a step front.

"I can't stay with you for one whole night." Claire scowled. "THIS, is for you and Hailey, you dumbbitch. One room? One room?"

She was up at his face, and he couldn't help but feel so defenseless under her gaze.

It was the fact that Claire looked still fit enough to make him bleed, even though they were adults. She wouldn't think twice before hitting him, and he knew it.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry, Claire." He whimpered, "Please forgive me."

Claire realised what she was doing, and instantly backed away, looking at him take a deep breath in relief.

She was so enraged, that her eyes were pricking with tears.

Godamn annoying is what Lucas was and she wanted to badly get rid of him.

Claire continued walking, but a hand on her shoulders stopped her. She obviously knew it was Lucas, so all she did was take a hold of his hand and push him against the nearest wall she could find.

"What the fuck do you want now?" She asked, her voice going extremely low for him to take in the situation, and all he did was point at the door behind her.

"O-Our room." He said.


Why was he stuttering again? He hadn't stuttered in a long, looong time. And now, again?

This thought was pissing Lucas off. He was sitting on the couch in the balcony (he's confused about it too), and was contemplating whether Claire started thinking he was a pain in the ass, unbeknownst to the fact that that's exactly what Claire thought of him.

The door to the balcony slid open, and Claire walked in loudly, marking her presence.

"Get out." She grumbled, pulling out a cigarette straw and a lighter.

"Oh. Okay." Lucas nodded, but half way through getting up, he realised what was going on. "Wait, no." He frowned. "I won't."

Claire shot a glare. "And why won't you? I don't want you here."

"So?" He shot back. "I was here first."

He folded his hands and sat back on the couch, also pulling his legs up.


Claire gave up. She just sighed, going back into the room. And after a few minutes, Lucas heard a door clicking close. He didn't think much of it, but then, a second later, he gasped and sprang up from the couch making a run into the room.


Nope, no answer. She had walked out on him.

He wasted no second and grabbed his own jacket, before running out. She hadn't been too far, just near the stairs, so he caught upto her soon.

"Claire!" He called out.

"What?!" She asked, more like yelled, making him freeze a few feet away from her.

"W-Where are you.. going?" He asked, breathing irregularly. There you go, he was stuttering.. again.

"Why? I can go wherever I want! Leave me alone!"

"Can I go with you?"


"Please?" He pouted, and started walking next to her.

"No. Go back to the room, it's unsafe to be out this late."

"It's 9PM." He deadpanned. "Pretty please?"

This wasn't the Lucas she had seen in the party, or in the morning. This wasn't the one who boldly paid for her drink at the café or the one who took her to the exhibition.

This was the Lucas who she had fallen for.

"No." She pursed her lips. "I'm leaving."

Lucas stopped walking. "Is that all you're good at? Leaving?"

Claire's pace quickened as soon as she heard those words, and even though she knew that Lucas wasn't following her anymore, she kept walking.

And she didn't once turn around to know that Lucas was dejected.

It hurt, she wasn't going to lie. Because running from her feelings was what brought her to where she was today. Okay, she felt tiny little bad about leaving Lucas behind even though they had come together.

It was after an hour of walking around, that Claire decided to buy him a drink for when she returned back to the room.

It was around half past 10 when she reached the room, and slowly opened the door, only to find Lucas passed out on the couch, curling up to himself. His head rested on the armrest and his long eyelashes brushed over his cheeks as he slept peacefully.

She placed the drink on the table, sighing tiredly.

He hadn't even stripped out of his jacket. What a troublesome guy.

She walked forward, slowly uncurling him, and loosening his arms so that she coul pull off the jacket, and lifting his head in the process.

She then threw the million dollar jacket on the floor, scanning his thin frame and how he hadn't changed at all. Rather than getting broad, he was just all bones with no meat or muscles.

Claire put one of her arms under his back and one under his knees and lifted him up bridal style, struggling a little, but easily and very carefully placing him on the bed. She took off his shoes and placed them beside the bed on the floor.

She draped the sheets over him, Lucas immediately taking a hold of the soft material.

Claire couldn't help but stare. How did she ever manage to hate him?


Man I wonder what brad will do if he comes to know about this

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