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Felix's POV

As I opened the door, I noticed a familiar figure sitting on the couch watching tv.


The voice from the figure responded without turning to face me.

"Do I, look like Jisung." The voice called obviously annoyed.

I stepped in and took a closer look at the person. Turns out it wasn't even Jisung. That boy was fucking Changbin.

One would think that I see him so often at school, that I would know it's him. But my poor eyesight says otherwise.

Who I figured was Changbin, twirled their head around to find where the voice was coming from. As if they didn't even realize I was someone else.

The shocked eyes from Changbin came from the realization that he, was one of the few trainees becoming my dormmate.

Changbin stood up at the speed of light, and ran left, to what I assumed were the bedrooms.


"WAIT WHAT!" Who I assumed was Chan called.

Fast footsteps were heard coming to my direction, and soon enough what I saw in front of me, was Chan hyung.

"You might be wondering why we're here, but why don't you go and start setting up your stuff." Chan awkwardly gestured.

I shrugged and went to the room pointed at.


As I started unpacking my stuff, I realized that I was sharing a room with one other person, who knows who it could be.

Nothing really went through my head until I figured out that,
1) this was the first time meeting Chan.
2) Changbin and Chan live together
3) both of them are trainees at JYP, liars 😒
4) there's someone else here in my room and honesty I'd rather have the space to myself

Suddenly the door opened.

"Oh hey Felix." Jisung greeted while looking at his phone, walking in the direction to his bed.

"Hi Ji."

"Wait.... FELIX?!?!?" Jisung shouted.


We both just kinda stared at each other until we silently agreed upon being roommates.

"So uh, I see you've figured it out?" Jisung tried to make small talk.

"Well yeah. After I saw Changbin on the couch it made more sense to me." I replied, putting my clothes into the drawer.

"But it's ok! I'd rather have you guys as roommates rather than some snobby trainees." I reassured.

"Cool I hope it's ok." Jisung chuckled.

"I'll let you unpack for now, imma be out in the living room if you need me."


I unpacked the rest of my stuff and remembered I was supposed to call Seungmin.

"Hey Lix! How's your new place?" Seungmin asked.

"Oh it's pretty sweet." I responded while showing the room I was staying in. "There are three other people here, but also 5 extra beds so I'm guessing more will come soon."

"Nice. I see you've actually cleaned up." Seungmin laughed.

"Heyyyy stop being so mean." I whined

"Fine fine. By the way, who are your roomma-"

"FELIX!" Jisung opened the door screaming. "THERES A SPIDER PLEASE HELP ME KILL IT!"

"Is that...Jisung?" Seungmin's voice called from the phone.

"Uhm no definitely not." I awkwardly laughed.

"Wait fuck. Why are you talking to Seungmin."

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