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The night it happened, Liam reassured Harry by saying Louis was probably just freaked out and needed a little time to let it sink in. Finding your soulmate was a big deal and most people didn't find theirs so young. Some people didn't find theirs at all. Like Harry's mother. Harry agreed and decided to give Louis the night to calm down.

The next day, he skipped class to find Louis instead. He had never seen him before last night, obviously not in person but also not in pictures either. Has never even heard of him, even. Their university is big so that makes sense. Harry just felt a little bad because he's one of the most well-known people there, due to his family's money and his social status, so Louis had probably known of him for a while now. He wondered what Louis thought of him. Hoped he thought something good of him.

He came prepared, having asked a secretary for any information she could give him on a boy named Louis. It would've been shady and worrisome, but he was still glowing with the aftereffects of kissing his soulmate for the first time and once he explained the situation and showed her his mark, she had helped him track him down.

He wanted to get flowers but a bouquet of roses seemed a bit over the top so he bought the bouquet but left it in his car, only bringing one flower in with him. Louis seemed like the type of person who didn't like to cause a scene, which was a bit unfortunate because the previous night was perhaps the biggest scene that could've been caused by soulmatching. So many people on campus were talking about it. Harry noticed the whispers as he walked past groups of people, noticed the curious stares trying to figure him out. He hoped his soulmate didn't mind too much.

He waited outside Louis' lecture, not having the guts to go inside and interrupt, even though that was now an acceptable thing to do given Louis was his soulmate. He leant against the wall and tried to think of what he was going to say, but couldn't really come up with anything. All he really wanted was to wrap his arms around Louis and squeeze him tightly. He didn't even need to kiss him. He just wanted to hold him. To feel their heartbeats aligning together.

So he stood waiting, wearing a soft black button-up tucked into his favorite black trousers with pale pink pinstripes, and the same Gucci loafers he wears all the time. He wanted to look nice. He wanted to make a good impression.

As it turns out, it didn't matter what Harry looked like. Louis hardly even looked at him,.

The smile melted off Harry's face as soon as he realized what was happening.

Louis didn't want him.

Heart thudding in his chest, heavy weight sinking in his stomach, he tried to give him the rose anyway. He wouldn't take it.

"I'm sorry. I can't. Just- don't."

Louis ran away again. Not actually running but that's what it felt like. He turned around and bolted, disappearing in seconds.

Harry didn't know what to do. He couldn't chase after him without feeling like a creep, so he didn't. But he wanted to.

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