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They end up reviewing together for three hours. Louis has Harry read to him and then translate it afterwards. The library is still and quiet and mostly empty again, and it feels like they're in their own little world as Louis leans into Harry's side and listens to him read and analyze French literature.

Harry has his arm around him and it feels both protective and comforting. These are feelings Louis has never felt before from a potential romantic partner, and he finds he likes it a lot. His heart finally feels settled after months of exhaustion and wanting, and though he still feels slightly nervous around Harry, it's only a matter of time before they can coexist completely comfortably and peacefully.

When they finish up, Harry closes the book and gathers Louis up, bringing him even closer to his side. Louis goes along with it, curling up against Harry as much as he can in the chair.

"Your mark is beautiful," Harry whispers lowly, eyeing Louis' exposed neck. He wore a scarf all day but ended up taking it off when they were at the restaurant because he wanted to show Harry what he meant when he said sometimes it feels like a death sentence. "I know it's not as private as you'd want it to be, but it's absolutely gorgeous on you. It would be gorgeous anywhere on you."

If Harry told him that before, on literally any other day, Louis would've punched him in the face. But now that he knows it's sincere, now that he knows Harry actually cares about him and wants to make an effort to make this work, not just for sex or whatever the hell else but for an actual lifelong relationship, it feels different. Louis' mouth feels dry when he responds a quiet, "Thank you."

"I've never shown you mine. Have you seen it?"

Louis shakes his head no.

Harry reaches up to his ear and combs his hair away with his fingers, holding it back and leaning down so Louis can see.

And there it is. Louis doubted its existence for so long, it feels strange to finally see it now. He reaches up with trembling fingers and lightly touches each letter, written in familiar messy scrawl. Louis. Harry closes his eyes at Louis' ministrations, humming quietly at the feeling.

"It's real," Louis whispers, because for some reason he thought it possible for Harry to not have a mark, for this whole thing to be one-sided. Now his heart is swelling, full enough with warmth and comfort that it feels like it might burst, or at least blow up like a balloon and carry him away. He traces the letters again with his fingers.

"I'm sorry I kissed you without asking," Harry blurts suddenly, eyes still closed.

"Yeah?" Louis asks, thinking about that night and the crowded room full of college students and the way it felt like the world was falling apart in a good way. He wonders if Harry's lips would feel just as soft as they did that night. If they would taste just as sweet.

"Yeah," Harry mumbles, confirming. "I regret that so much. I just- I dunno..."

Louis stills. "Kissing me, you mean?"

"No! No," he rushes, eyes flashing open and turning his gaze to look at Louis imploringly. "No, I don't regret doing it, I only wish I had asked first."

Fingers still curled around Harry's ear, tracing the letters of his own name, Louis nods. "What d'you say we start over, then?"

A flicker of confusion passes over Harry's face for a brief, fleeting moment. Louis watches on as recognition and realization take over, and he whispers a quiet, "Oh." And then, with an adorably hesitant smile, "Are you sure?"

Louis nods again, leaning into Harry's side, closer now so they're sharing the same breath.

Harry smiles and breathes out a relieved laugh, letting his hands roam a little before finally setting them gently on Louis' waist, touching him reverently like he doesn't want to let go but he's afraid of gripping too hard. It feels as though his hands belong there, on the curve of Louis' waist. Louis reaches up and loops his arms around Harry's neck, playing with the little curls at his nape and getting lost in the feeling of having his other half so close to him, for the first time ever. Not just physically, but emotionally too.

Harry's still smiling at him and it feels right. He leans in ever so slightly, eyeing Louis' lips.

"What do you say we begin again, Louis Tomlinson?"

Beyond words, he nods, and meets Harry halfway.

A/N: and that's it! I hope you enjoyed it :) my tumblr is angelichl if you wanna chat

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