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In the morning, he's the first to wake up.

They're still in the same position as last night, Harry notes. Louis is snuggled up against the very edge of the bed, his arm hanging off, fingers brushing Harry's shoulder. A steady current of warmth and pleasure floods through Harry, starting at the place of contact and languidly traveling throughout. He relishes in it for a long moment, before regrettably getting up.

His back is sore, of course.

As he stands and stretches, he takes a long, long moment to admire Louis' sleeping self. He looks unbelievably adorable, to the point where it's kind of painful. Mostly, Harry wants to curl up behind him and wrap him up in his arms just to protect him from the world, to keep him safe and happy always.

Unfortunately, slipping into bed with Louis unannounced is not acceptable, and he's pretty sure doing that would scare Louis away forever. With a sigh, and a self-indulgent moment of weakness where he reaches out and briefly pets Louis' hair, he tears himself away and heads downstairs to make breakfast.

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