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Louis is sleepy and warm and even more adorable and precious when Harry wakes him up gently.

Immediately he tries to go back to sleep, but Harry coaxes him awake with the promise of food. To that, he cracks an eye open, and sees the plate in Harry's hand.

"Fine," he grumbles, voice raspy and soft. "God, I'm freezing. Is the air conditioning on or something? It's October, for fuck's sake."

"Um, I dunno," Harry responds uneasily. "Do you want something warmer to wear? I think I gave you the sweater but I can get-"

"I'm fine, Harry," Louis amends. "You did give me the sweater. Thank you."

Harry swallows thickly and nods, watching as Louis pulls Harry's sweater on over the t-shirt. Harry's favorite t-shirt, the one he wears so much it's on the verge of falling apart, but it's just so fucking comfortable. The sweater is one of his favorites too, black and baggy and so, so soft. The sleeves are stretched and long and Louis pulls them over his hands, effectively making the cutest sweater paws Harry has ever seen. He has to restrain himself from reaching out and clasping Louis' hands in his own. He also has to restrain himself from just lunging forward and attacking him in aggressive cuddles. He's just too cute, all the time but especially right now, and Harry's heart can't handle it.

He clears his throat uncomfortably, trying not to think all the forbidden thoughts racing through his mind right now. "I didn't know what you like to eat in the morning, so I made these, I hope that's okay?"

Louis nods vigorously and reaches for the plate. "Yeah, yeah, this is awesome, thank you so much."

They sit in silence as he eats and it should be awkward but for some reason all Harry feels is comforted, but his soulmate is in his sights and within an arm's reach away, completely out of harm. Harry's heart is singing happily at this information, no longer aching like it usually does.

When Louis is almost, finished, Harry decides he should probably change into actual clothes since he's still wearing the clothes he slept in. He showered last night before people came over for the movie, so he supposes he's okay on that front and instead decides to just change into a different t-shirt, this one long-sleeved, and a nicer pair of jogs.

Louis set the precedent last night of not leaving the room while getting dressed so Harry goes along with that now. It's no big deal, anyways, but he does feel slightly self-conscious because this time Louis is facing him, and he makes no move to look away.

"Well, I guess I should get going," Louis announces once Harry is finished pulling on his shirt. There's a warm blush crawling across Louis' cheeks and he looks a little unsettled, fingers twitching where they're holding the plate, now just a mess of sticky syrup. Harry wonders if he wants to reach out and touch, just as badly as Harry wants to.

Harry nods though the thought of Louis leaving sends a ping of pain through his body. "I'll walk you out."

"You don't have to-"

"Nah, it's fine," Harry cuts in. He's unwilling to let Louis walk through the frat when there are so many opportunities for him to run into one of Harry's brothers, who seem to have no filter as to the words that come out of their mouths.

As they walk downstairs, the impending sense of dread of Louis' departure becomes stronger and stronger. Harry had been planning on studying a lot for French today but he predicts he'll probably be in too much emotional pain to even want to get out of bed. He decides to change his plans, vouching that as soon as Louis leaves he'll crawl back into bed and refuse to come out until he absolutely has to.

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