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They end up at a pizza place because Louis couldn't make a decision, and all he knew was that he absolutely didn't want to go anywhere fancy.

It's a good choice, though. Harry takes him to this place neither of them have ever been to before and they explore it together. Louis feels a little stiff at first but as the evening goes on he begins to feel more and more comfortable, especially as he gets to know Harry more and more.

They've never done anything like this before, obviously, having a meal with just the two of them, one-on-one so they have to talk to each other. Louis finds he enjoys it.

He ends up learning a lot about Harry, actually, and every second that passes he realizes how wrong he was about him, and it makes his heart ache even more because he has no idea what's going on and suddenly he kind of begins to think that maybe he would sort of want a future with Harry...

Harry talks about his family a lot, his mum and his sister who he loves more than anything, really. Louis finds that very admirable. He also ends up rambling on about how happy he is to be the godfather of a little baby named Ruby and how much he loves little kids in general. Louis goes along with it and pretends he isn't thinking of Harry having a family of his own, later in life.

It hurts, when he thinks about Harry having a family and Louis not being a part of it.

That's how he knows.

It's difficult to admit it to himself but as Harry's words wash over him and he soaks it all in, nodding along and giving the appropriate responses at the appropriate times to show he's listening, because he really is listening, Louis lets his mind wander a little bit and he considers a ton of different possibilities. One of the possibilities is that he never apologizes and never tries to fix this with Harry, and after today they stop speaking as often and stop seeing each other altogether and that's where it ends. Harry goes on to find someone who will love him like Louis can't, and Louis is left alone and depressed for the rest of his life because the one guarantee is that his soulmate will love him and when he doesn't even have that, he just knows he'll never be able to find anyone.

He doesn't want that to happen. Of course he doesn't want that to happen. He just really doesn't want to lose Harry.


Harry''s still rambling on about Ruby when Louis cuts in rudely, saying, "Hey Harry?"


"I think I need to apologize," he whispers, sucking in a shaky breath. "About, like, a lot of things."

Harry doesn't look very bothered at being interrupted. In fact, he looks relieved. He reaches across the table and grabs Louis' hands in his own. "Me too," he says sincerely.

Louis swallows thickly, feeling the warmth flood into his body through Harry's touch. "Can I go first?"

"Of course, love."

"I haven't been fair to you," Louis begins truthfully, unable to meet Harry's eyes. It feels momentous and daunting because there's so much he messed up, so much he has to fix. But he wants to do this. He needs to do this.

And so he tells him everything.

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