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Three months later

"Good morning, Mr. Avenetti." Brandon greeted as soon as I set a foot out of my private elevator.

"Morning, Brandon." I replied looking ahead.

"You have a meeting with Costellos today at 11 regarding the construction of new hotels and after that you have to meet your father at his favourite Chinese restaurant for lunch. A few documents that require your signatures and that's about it." he informed.

"Alright. I won't come in after lunch. Bring those documents in my office in five and my usual cup of coffee." I stated and entered my office.

"Yes, Sir." he said and left.

Stepping inside the office, I was met with a big portrait picture hanging off the wall opposite to my desk. I sighed looking at it and settled behind my desk. Another smaller frame was sitting proudly on my desk. The picture looking right back at me as if taunting me. Taunting me for losing the most precious human in my life.

I shook my head to avoid dwelling in my miseries once again and continued to check my emails. A minute later, Brandon knocked before coming inside with a file and a mug of coffee.

"Thank you, Brandon. You may leave." I ordered and he nodded his head before opening the glass doors and walking out.

The rest of the day went as scheduled and I reached home around two in the noon.

When Isa left, dad was utterly disappointed with me and lost once again. Just like he was when mum passed away. There was no doubt that Isa played the role of an Avenetti women extremely well. She binded us all together and I fucking love her for this. And so many other reasons.

That day was hands down the second most worst day of my life after mum's death. I hated being alone, not being able to hold her, comfort her, have her here in our house and not being able to do anything for her.

I visited Nate thrice ever since and talked my heart out. Told him how sorry I was for everything I have ever done to hurt her. Confessed to him that he was right, that I love her sister. With everything in me.

And I will wait for her.

Sighing, I stripped out of my clothes and stood beneath the shower that helped me everytime. After about twenty minutes, I put on a pair of sweatpants with a t-shirt and walked downstairs.

Her scent has obviously faded by now. Even Mrs. Cooper misses her a lot. I would trade anything just to see her smile, to get her back and above all to remove all the sorrows from her life.

My Isa.

I opened the door to her painting room and a small smile instantly tugged at my lips. When I first stepped in here after she left, which was a week later, I saw a huge gift wrapped in a golden paper with a red bow tie around it. I was curious to see what was inside. So I walked closer and saw a small white colored plain card glued to it.

'Merry Christmas Ronan'

I was surprised to see a neat writing given that she is a doctor. When I tore open the wrapping paper, I was in awe to see a beautiful painting. A painting of us... on our wedding day. It was one of the pictures we took when the photographer took us to the back garden for a couple photoshoot. We stood facing each other with her left hand on my chest, our eyes locked with one another's, my arms encircled around her waist and small tendrils of hair decorating her oval shaped face delicately. Her ring was shining brightly due to the sunlight and the entire scene looked almost surreal. It was the gift she meant to gave me that night.

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