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Adam pulled the breaks just in time and the car came to a halt with the loud screeching of tires against the road.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Adam shouted.

My chest heaved up and down in absolute horror and my hand was subconsciously resting on my stomach. I felt something move and looked down to see Adam's hand already placed above mine in a protective manner.

I closed my eyes but they snapped open as soon as I heard the locks clicking and the car door being opened. I turned my head and saw Adam getting out so I followed.

The little boy was standing only an inch away from our car and I sighed loudly in relief seeing as he stood just fine. Adam checked his body for any injuries but there were none.

Thank God.

He squatted in front of the kid who looked completely unfazed by what had just happened. His ocean blue eyes twinkling in awe as he looked between Adam and I.

"Hey little guy, where are your parents?" he asked him softly.

Wordlessly, he looked up and pointed at the starry sky. I gasped quietly and it felt as if somebody had wrenched my guts out. He was so beautiful and innocent. He did not deserve this.

"What's your name?" I whisper asked.

He looked up at me with wide ocean eyes, "Elijah." he spoke.

His voice was absolutely adorable.

"Elijah, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I asked again.

"I ran away." he grinned.

"From where?" Adam asked looking taken aback.

"Where all other children like me live." he shrugged looking at me.

"Orphanage?" I frowned.

He nodded, "I guess it's called that."

"Oh baby, do you know where that is?" I asked.

"Near the pizzeria." he replied innocently.

"There are a lot in this area." Adam sighed looking at me then turned to him.

"How about you stay with us tonight and tomorrow morning we can find the place?" he suggested.

I smiled looking at my husband.

"Do you give me food?" he asked innocently.

"Of course, baby. Anything you want." I spoke softly and held out my hand for him.

He happily took it and we placed him in the backseat and did his seat belt before driving home.

"That was spontaneous and... unexpected." I said.

"I know, right." Adam sighed.

Neither of us wanted to or would have left any kid alone on the streets at this time of night.

Elijah was asleep by the time we reached home so Adam scooped the little adorable bundle in his arms and took him in my old room. I covered him with the sheets.

His hair were dark brown and skin pale with blue eyes. He was already so handsome.

"This kid is something else." Adam whispered standing behind me.

"Adam, if he lives in orphanage, can we... maybe adopt him." I asked out of the blue.

Adam went quiet and I turned around to see his reaction. He was smiling softly at the sleeping boy who had unknowingly tugged at the strings of our hearts.

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