Chapter 3

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"Baking Soda and Vinegar reacts to each other." our Science teacher Miss. Mary said

We are doing a lap with Baking soda and Vinegar. Dont ask me why. We are.

Aidan is in the class and he is my science partner.

I am ignoring Aidan because I know I will tell him about Logan and Sienna and last night.

"Sarah, Do you hate me?" Aidan asked

"No" I muttered writing down notes.

"Then please talk to me" Aidan pleaded

"I am trying to listen to the teacher" I hissed


"No" I hissed and gave Aiden a look.

Aidan nodded and gave up.


I got all my stuff and went to my locker.

"SARAH WAIT UP" I heard some one say

I went to my locker

I saw Aiden run up to me.

"Hey" Aidan stated and leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Hi" I stated not looking at him "Sienna will be mad if she sees you talking to me"

"Why do you let her boss you around?" Aidan asked confused

I shrugged "I don't know"

I put my books into my locker and got my lunch that I brought from home.

"Sarah I...."

"Aidan" Sienna said wrapping her arms around him from behind him.

"Sarah" Sienna warned and gave me a look that said 'what are you doing'

I put my hands up defense and took a step back from the duo.

Aiden just stood there staring between his while Sienna hold his hand. He didn't return it.

"Just going to eat Lunch now" I stated  and then walked away towards the Library.

I never eat in the lunch room.

"Hey I saw you talking to Aidan" Julia said sitting down with me in the library.

"Yeah well he started talking to me first and my sister got mad when she came over to us" I said and then took a bite out of my sandwich.

Julia nodded "want to come over to my house tonight?"

"Yes please" I begged

Julia nodded and Chuckled

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