Chapter 5

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The picture on the side is Logan!!!


Aidan's Pov (YAY!!)

"Dude, Tracy is annoying me"

"Then break up with her" I told my best friend while spray painting a building.

"I can't. Your Girlfriend will get the squad to attack me" Logan stated and took a sip of alcohol that he brought.

"Give me some" I snatched the bottle from him and gulped down some alcohol.

Logan smirked and then his face went into confusion

I looked him annoyed "what's going on that dumb mind"

Logan through the empty paint bottle at me "im not dumb"

I chuckled "yeah sure continue telling yourself that"

Logan shook his head "why is your girlfriend being mean to her sister everytime you try and talk to Sarah?"

I shrugged my shoulders "i don't know"

"You like Sarah. Why are you dating her spoiled annoying bitchy sister"

I shrugged again

1 hour later

I went over to The Lauren's House to try and talk to Sienna about being nicer to Sarah.

I am going out with the wrong sister and Logan knows it too.

I love Sarah to death but because I am the quarterback of the football team and Sienna is the head cheerleader, everyone just thought that we should be together so we are.

I know. I'm dumb.

I knock on the front door of their house.

I heard footsteps coming to the door.

When the door opened, I saw Sarah with red and puffy eyes.

I felt pain in my heart.

I known these sisters for the longest time.

"Sienna is not home. She went out to dinner with our parents" Sarah snuffed

"Why aren't you with them?" I asked confused

"Sienna didnt want me to be there" Sarah said with a tear going down her face but she wiped it away quickly.

"Can I come in? I want to talk to you" I asked

I am going to tell her my feelings. It's time.

"Yeah sure" Sarah said while opening the door more.

I walked inside and went to the couch.

Sarah sat down next to me. She put her head in her hands and I knew she was quietly crying.

"What did Sienna do to make you cry?" I asked

"Nothing. Just her being her" Sarah said into her hands.

I put my hand on Sarah's back and started rubbing her back.

"What happened?" I asked

"She just yelled at me about me talking to you." Sarah said and then moved to a chair. "When she finds out about this. She is going to ruin my live"

"No she won't" I said standing up

"Yes she will" Sarah said standing up

I walked over Sarah a little. Sarah backed away when I got closer.

She got to a wall so I put my hands by her head so she won't move.

"Aidan think about what you are doing" Sarah warned

"I hate Sienna" I said looking into Sarah's eyes.

"You love her?" Sarah asked me

I shook my head "no"

"I love you" I said looking into Sarah's eyes.

"Aidan?" Sarah asked with a little tiny smile

"I love you Sarah. Everyone at school thinks that the Captain/Quarterback should date the head cheerleader. Sienna came to me one day and said we should date. So that's what we did." I explained

"Aidan?" Sarah asked again

But I kept on talking.

"I didn't want to date her. I always wanted you not her..."

Sarah cupped my face and smiled at me.

"I love you too" Sarah said smiling.

Sarah moved her hands so they could be around my neck.

I cupped her face and pulled it to mine until our lips met.

I surprised Sarah for a few seconds and then she responded.

I licked her bottom lip and she let me have entrance.

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