Chapter 8

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The Next day

I walked into school with Julia.

My phone beeped

'Going to do it now in front of people -Aidan'

'Ok. Please don't bring my name up at all please Aidan' I texted back

'I know. I know. I wasn't planning on it. Love you xx'

'Love you too xx'

"Awww" Julia cooed

I hit her arm and looked up at Sienna's locker.

I saw Aidan walk over to her and started talking to her.

"WHAT? WHY?" Sienna yelled

Everyone quieted down and looked at Sienna and Aidan.

Tracy looked shocked.

I knew Aidan just told her that they are breaking up.

"I don't think that we are working out Sienna" Aidan shrugged

"You son of a bitch" Sienna hissed

Julia chuckled and took my phone and text Aidan.

'It is Julia. Sienna and Logan had sex behind your back. I know this for a fact. I heard it when I was in Sarah's bedroom'

When Aidan got the text he pulled out his phone and read it.

Aidan looked at Logan who has his arms around Tracy and then looked at Sienna.

"Yeah we are done." Aidan hissed and then walked over to me and took my hand.

I looked at him shocked and confused while he took me over to my sister, Tracy and Logan.

Gasps of surprise felled up the hallway.

I heard footsteps behind me and I knew Julia was following us.

"I always hated you." Aidan hissed to Sienna.

Sienna just looks confused, angry and shocked.

"I fell for the wrong sister. I was always in love with Sarah" Aidan said

Julia smirked at Sienna's shocked and angry face, Logan smirked and Tracy just looked angry.

Gasps went off in the hallway.

"So you two are dating now?" Tracy asked

"Yes we are" Aidan said and then kissed my cheek.

Sienna looked like smoke can come out of her ears and nose.

"But I love you and you love me" Sienna said

"If you Loved him then you wouldn't have sex with your boyfriend's best friend and also your best friends boyfriend" I hissed at my sister

Tracy smacked Logan and stomped away.

Gasps went around the hallway again.

I rolled my eyes. Damn my school love drama. Do they have better things to do.

Aidan smirked at me.

"You shouldnt have stolen my boyfriend" Sienna hissed at me.

"I told you I liked him and then the next day I saw you sucking face with him" I yelled in my sisters face.

"You are a nothing more than a bitchy slut" He hissed at my sister

My sister looked at me and then at Our interlaced hands and then back to me.

"I thought we were sisters Sarah. Get ready to pack all your things when mom and dad hears about this" My sister hissed at me and then stomped away.

"WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU LOOKING AT?" Aidan yelled at everyone that is watching.

Everyone went back to what they were doing and then tears got into my eyes.

Aidan pulled me into a hug.

I let the tears go.

"She is going to make my parents kick me out" I sobbed into Aidan's chest.

"Shhh. It is ok. We will figure it out. Together" Aidan whispered into my ear while rubbing my back.

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