Chapter 25

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The Next Day

Sienna's Pov

I walked into the school with Tracy.

"Did you hear about Peter?" Tracy asked me

We came to a stop and opened our lockers and then started talking again.

"Oh my god yes of course. He got hotter because of what he did" i gushed

"What the Hell happened?" Tracy asked

"He got some work done..."

"No. That!" Tracy pointed behind me.

I turned around and saw Logan and Julia walk into school while holding hands.

Logan pecked Julia on the lips and started walking down the hall.

"So Logan and Julia are dating" I shrugged and went back to my locker.

Tracy gasped and then pouted "Our plan didnt work well"

"What? What do you mean?" I asked looking at my best friend confused.

"Aidan and Sarah" Tracy said

i turned around.

Sarah's Pov

Aidan and I walked into school after Julia and Logan.

Aidan's arm is around my shoulders and my arm is around his waist.

When we entered everyone started staring at us and started to whisper.

I looked in the direction of my sister.

I saw her fuming with anger.

Aidan did not help when he kissed me on the cheek because thats when Sienna came marching up to us.

"What are you two doing together?" Sienna asked

"Wow you are a bitch" Aidan said amused

"A dumb bitch" I corrected Aidan while looking up at him.

Aidan chuckled

I looked at Sienna and saw her glaring at me

"What?" I asked calmly

"Aidan cheated on you" Sienna hissed

"No. You kissed him and he didnt kiss back but pushed you away" I said


"But what Sienna?" I asked

Sienna looked between Aidan and I and then stomped away.

"Ok wow" Aidan said

I nodded "let's go to my locker."

Aidan nodded and we went to my locker.

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