chapter 9

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this is really just a filler chapter, doesn't really have anything to do with the plot and is just hear for the purpose of developing some relationships and making the story longer. 

Also thank you so much for all the views! It really means a lot to me and i am grateful to every single one of you readers!

Anyway, onto the story!


I could have screamed in delight when we got back to the dorms with five minutes to spare, in fact, I did. Right before running off to the safety of my dorm room, leaving behind two confused alphas.

Looking my door, I let out an airy chuckle, "that was close," I whisper to myself.

"what was close?"

I spin around, a yelp leaving my throat before I can stop it.

That was hilarious, a familiar voice whispered in my head, making me roll my eyes before I fold my arms against my chest pouting. "shinso! What have I told you about sneaking into peoples rooms!" I complain to the purple haired boy, hearing him chuckle as I throw myself onto my bed.

"you said people would think I'm crazy but given your current mental state I don't think your advice is the best. Besides, there's nothing wrong with breaking into someone's room," the sleep deprived teen responds, letting his body fall onto the bed so he's no longer sitting.

"okay, firstly, my mental state is the reason I have great advice!" I only receive a sarcastic hum in response. With a huff, I continue, "and secondly, if you think there is nothing wrong with breaking into someone's room... well then... you've officially become my best friend!" I cheer with a giggle, clapping my hands together as I sit back up and watch him get comfortable on my bed.

"why are you in here anyway?" I ask, snatching the pillow that his head was resting on so I could cuddle with it. He fixes a short glare on me before using one of the other pillows.

"denki threw a coconut at me," the cat lover says with a shrug, and I can't help the laugh that escapes me.

"let me guess, you said onions are the only food that make people cry?" I ask with a giggle.

He only groans in response, rolling over and shoving his face in my pillow. His voice is muffled as he speaks, "and then, he tried to charge me." I do my best to stifle my laugh as he turns his head, pout on his face. "he... he what?" I ask, small giggles already leaving me as I try to understand the situation.

"he claimed I wasn't energetic enough, so he shoved a charger in my mouth then proceed to electrocute me!"

Instead of asking if he was okay like a good friend would do or why he was in Denki's room in the first place, I clutched my stomach as I erupted into laughter. I end up falling off the bed, my laughing replaced with groaning. Shinso's head comes into my view, an annoyed look on his face. "you done yet?"

I look up at him, a grin slowly spreading across my freckled face. "Nope," is all I say before I'm laughing again. In response, he groans in annoyance and throws a pillow at me.


Shinso didn't end up leaving until well past midnight, claiming that he couldn't sleep and knew I wouldn't have been able to either. He wasn't wrong though, I'm lucky to get at the very least an hours sleep these days.

I ended up telling shinso about toga, and when he started to protest the idea of being her friend, I distracted him by telling him about the auditions that were being held after class tomorrow, or I guess today now.

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