chapter 27

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These people are idiots

Complete and total idiots

I've been on the receiving end of questions for the better half of an hour. At first, they'd what you'd expect when getting questioned for info; Where were you kept? What were the names of the villains? (I gave the code names.) how'd you get those scars? You know, the usual stuff.

By the time they got through all my truthful, yet somewhat vague answers, Kinjo had grown frustrated and the questions took a turn for the worse. Though it was quite amusing to see the vein in her forehead pop out, I too grew annoyed at the spark of triumph in her eyes. Acting as if she was being so clever, as if I didn't see right through her.

I suppose I should feel grateful however, for I soon felt the familiar felling of... nothing. The feeling of the cord that connected me to my emotions snap, leaving me as an empty shell of the emotional wreak I normally am.

I could tell that my blank face and empty eyes had freaked everybody out, it even made the bitch pause in her questioning for a moment, but surprise surprise, I couldn't bring myself to care.

It was a stroke of luck that Smith took over the questing at this time, making it so I didn't give away any vital information. Not that he knows this, however.

Though, like all good things, my blissful time away from all my icky feelings soon came to an end. And what better way to make this known other then erupting into a fit of giggles, successfully making the two detectives jump out of their skin. Aziwa only grumbled, rolled his eyes, and went back to sleep making me pout.

Kinjo recovered faster than Smith and used this time to fire her, not so subtle, questions at me.

I tuned her out for the most part, listening to the voices in my head as they argued, yet again, about which one was eviller. Somehow, mister grumpy was losing. I still answered her questions, though stuck to saying five words or less, never lying but never telling the exact truth either. I could tell it was confusing Smith.

At long last, the lady snapped, her annoyance of not getting any straight answers only further serving to fuel her suspicions towards me.

"that's it! were you really kidnapped or is this all just a ploy to gain attention?" Aziwa's eyes snap open only to immediately narrow in on the lady, though she doesn't seem to notice.

"Kinjo! What on earth has gotten into you? he was found at the league's hideout, it's obviously not a ploy to garner attention, Baka!" Smith shouts, eyes wide and face appalled. It took everything in me not to laugh.

"no smith, he's obviously not taking this seriously, look at him! Add on the fact that he's an omega! I mean, come on! They're known to crave attention and do anything for it just like the bitches they are! Honestly, I don't even know why the government allowed them their rights, it was much better 13 years ago when they were nothing but dirt beneath our feet! I can handle the alphas and betas; I mean at least they contribute to society. But omegas?! With their heats and their whining! All there good for is listening to their masters like the animals they descend from! I don't even know why we're doing a trial for this mutt, I couldn't care less if he had die-" her rant was cut off, and just at the right time if aziwa's look was anything to go off, by my laugh filling the small room, bringing three pairs of confused eyes towards me.

Kinjo looked absolute horrified at what had just come out of her mouth before she had the nerve to look smug, though the confusion directed towards me was still evident in her eyes, along with the fury.

"is something funny?" she spat out through a clenched jaw; fist clenched on top of the table.

"oh... I'm sor-sorry," I get out through my giggles, words muffled as I cover my mouth with my hand, trying desperately to stop the laughs. At last they stop, and, ignoring the voices who were repeating the woman's words over and over again, I continued.

"its just that, you really don't like omegas , do you?" another small chuckle left me before I went on. "I mean I-I don't blame you, and if we still lived in the time you were born, such as the medieval age, I would full heartily agree with you!

"omegas used to be these whinny little beaches who couldn't do anything other then follow orders. Our mates would be our 'masters' and if we did anything wrong it would be expected for them to punish us publicly. Some of us were loved, others sold, but either way, we were the beaches who were less then even humans." The word was spat out, and, almost as an afterthought, I add on, "No offence to you guys of course.

"However, in this day and age, while we still are the submissive ones in 98% of relationships, we aren't toys to be played with. People such as you have hardened us and supporting communities have encouraged us. We know how to say no now, we know how to stand up for ourselves, and we know that there isn't a single thing you guys can do to us. Wanna know why? Because we're them omegas. We're the adorable small and frail ones that our packs will do anything to protect. Add on the fact that we're a dying breed and a medical mystery what with how even males can get pregnant, and even the humans want to protect us. So, a piece of advice, get with the times before it gets you killed. One word to my alpha mates about this, even with how we are fighting right now, and there is no guarantee you will make it to next week." By the time I had finished I had cornered Kinjo into a corner, the difference this time was that Aziwa wouldn't stop me from doing anything.

Eyeing the cowering woman in front of me I scoff and take a step back, muttering, "and here I thought that you said I was nothing but dirt below your feet."

"I'm leaving," I announce, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Mr aziwa, could you please take me back to the dorms, I don't quiet feel like taking a ride with the police right now." I wait until I hear a sound of allowance before I make my way out, pausing at the door to speak.

"and just for the record, I was kidnapped." Not a lie, considering I was actually dead and gave no consent to be taken away from my room.

When I hear more then see Smith touch the green button, I allow another giggle to escape my mouth before skipping down the hall only to turn back around, popping my head into the room to sheepishly say to aziwa.

"you're my lift and I don't know the way out."

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