chapter 44

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Another short chapter, sorry :'( 

i cut it short, again, because i will be working on other stuff tomorrow and wanted to give you guys something.

TW- implying a panic attack, mentions of self harm, blood, mentions of cheating, crappy writing

3rd person POV

Life sucks.

Everyone knew it. Only some said it. And even fewer acted on it. Whether those actions were good or not just varied from each person.

For Izuku midoriya, his actions were less then pleasant, and the consequences were dire.

Standing in the living room of his temporary guardians, surrounded by horrified wolves, some sad, others pissed, all harbouring some less then pleasant feeling towards someone else in the small room, he wondered what he did to life for her to hand him buckets upon buckets of sour, rotting lemons.

Well, you know what the say, when life hands you lemons, squeeze them into people's eyes.

Then again, that's probably the exact state of mind that led him here.


He didn't know why he was yelling at them, nor why he had suddenly lost the ability to breath properly. With his emotions strung high and his eyes stinging from lack of sleep it was a miracle he hadn't snapped sooner.

Eyes narrowed and black his mouth moved without consent, firing out words he would soon regret.

"Apologise? You want to apologise? Why? All you did was submit to the lies being fed to you on a silver platter. What happened after that is out of your control, isn't that right? I spend days thinking I deserved your animosity. I mean, I get the whole being sour over hiding thing but come on! You wouldn't believe how long I spent thinking that even though Uraraka's words were lies, they were better then the truth. But hey! Pushing aside the fact that I had been-... that I- ugh! Pushing aside that and the fact you pushed it aside with suck ease, I'm sure you have nothing to be sorry for!

"I spend nights staring up at the ceiling, reliving that night, while you two cuddled in a bed thinking that I wanted it because of that bitch who has made it clear multiple times that I am far from her favourite person who spat out some oh so believable lies, and it hurts, guys. It hurts that you would think that. Especially you, Bakugou. you know me, and yet you'd believe the words of someone you've known for months over a friend you've had for years?"

"You don't understand, please-" Ahh yes, the last straw for Deku, what a fine beast, now, watch as it burns to the ground around them all.

All the two mates (and the rest of the houses occupants- those eavesdroppers) could hear was a crazed broken chuckle, each shuffling closer to whoever was near as a sense of dread washers over them before a soft humming was heard.

"'You don't understand, please Deku, listen to us as we beg on our knees for your forgiveness that we care so much about even though for the past few weeks we haven't done anything to deserve it, but, were in pain, so you should listen to our pitiful voices and forget it all!" came the mocking voice before each and everyone in the house flinched back, the door shaking on its hinges from the aftermath of the blow it had absorbed.

"Don't! Don't come here, into a place I've felt somewhat safe at, and tell me your sorry! Don't use that voice! Don't! Don't! Don't! If a kid kills your dad then apologises, would you accept it? Would it make the pain go away? Would you smile and say its fine because it's a kid and you don't want to bring them any trouble? See, I would do that, because despite everything I don't want to see you guys in pain, even if it tears me apart from the inside! But I can't do that anymore guys! I can't keep giving things away! For once in my goddamn life I'm going to be selfish! For once, in my miserable, fucked up existence, I'm going to make you work for your forgiveness Bakugou. I'm not just going to show up the next day, smile, and say its fine like I had done when you had told me to jump off the roof of our school!"

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