chapter 35

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Deku pov

I watch with a scowl as Uraraka descends down the stage stairs, hating that she was good but not surprised.

Who would be surprised to hear that two-faced STD beacon was good at acting?

Apparently, the whole fudging auditorium, who still haven't said a word and didn't start clapping until I yelled, "un-pause!"

I'm ducking magical.

Ignoring the few glares sent my way I turn to talk to shinso who was sitting next to me. Both kiri and kami where only just retuning there seats now, there bathroom trip coincidently ending at the same time as the beaches one-person act.

After his act, denki had broken down again, years of supressed emotions catching up despite his earlier 'breakdown'. I say, 'breakdown' because it was more putting his parents in their place then an actual breakdown.

When he got off the stage, however, he immediately collapsed into Kiri's arms, the latter's shirt becoming wet with salty tears in seconds. His mum had freaked, trying to get close to her son who had started to hyperventilate but his protective mate had growled at anyone who came within a five feet radius. They left immediately.

When they came back in, five people had gone and Uraraka's name was just about to be called. Denki had his mate's top clutched in tight fist like a child, eyes downcast and feet barely lifting as he walked. He gave both shinso and me a reassuring but small smile, letting us know he was okay, just upset.

He was a lot more then upset but I kept my mouth shut

He refused to let go of Kiri's shirt, going as far as sitting on his lap.

Not that he was there for long though, for as soon Uraraka's name was called out, they got up and left with the excuse of needing to use the bathroom acting as if I wouldn't be able to smell them standing right out side of the large room.

"are you okay?" Shinso cuts me off mid-rant about how unfair it is that his father doesn't allow chocolate spread in the dorms anymore.

Going silent I play the part of the confused puppy, tilting my head and asking, "what?" even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Throughout Uraraka's performance both Kacchan and Todoroki where leaning forward in their seats, hanging onto her every word. When I yelled, they were the ones who glared the hardest, and when the audience started clapping, they were the loudest.

I wouldn't have been mad. I really wouldn't have. In their eyes, Uraraka's the one who revealed the 'truth'. The one that told them that no, I wasn't about to get raped, but yes, I came onto that pig of a man.

So really, I wouldn't have been mad.

I was however, and with a right. I had tried, tried so hard to tell them the truth but I was constantly shut down.

They didn't listen. Turned a blind eye to my pleas to go hand out with their 'friends'

Oh, how I wanted to so bad to tell Kacchan he's hanging out with his mother's kidnapper, possible murderer. I wasn't sure who was worse though, Uraraka or that bitch.

I wasn't mad at them, though. Hurt? Oh yeah. I felt as if someone where slowly ripping my heart out though my throat.

But I couldn't be mad at them. that was for Uraraka and her group of slimy eels. Not snakes, snakes where smooth and cunning. Uraraka and her minions where just slimy and ugly from the inside out.

"you know what I'm talking about," shinso whispers, eyebrows furrowed and voice soft.

Before I can respond, he questions, "half empty or half full?"

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