Chapter Seven

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You waited patiently for Dazai and Chuuya. You'd been informed that they were working together to get you out, and get the truth about Kutaro out. They had to be really careful - their memories could be easily manipulated if Kutaro knew what they were doing. Kutaro visited you on multiple occasions - you tried to act as if you'd given up. That seemed to please him. You still didn't know his motivations - he said he'd tell you just before you were to be executed. 

Honestly, you had no idea how they were going to prove your innocence. If they were to inform the boss, his memory would also be manipulated. Dazai's ability would mean that he wouldn't be able to manipulate anyone else's memory, but whether it would return everyone else's was a guessing game. That's why they had to be very cautious.

You felt as if you were in a stupor, until one day, the guard from the guard change informed you of some shocking news. Your execution would take place within the next few hours - there was no way you could be saved in that time. Would you even be able to tell them before it happened? You wouldn't even get to say goodbye!

Time seemed to go swiftly. You sat, your head in your knees - you were shocked. It was so damn unexpected - you had really thought that you'd be proven innocent before you were killed. It was so unfair! You took off your beanie - it was a birthday present when you turned 16. Both Chuuya and Dazai had worked together to buy it - it was extremely rare, made from rare materials. Fancy stuff wasn't your priority, but it made you feel special. You stroked the soft fabric. Even after all these years, it was still soft.

You looked at it sadly. Every breathe felt beautiful. You didn't want to leave. You had so much left to do in life... Yet it was being taken from you. It was like an iron grip was ever closing on your throat.

You didn't even notice Dazai and Chuuya arrive. You were so wrapped up in your self-pity that everything else seemed to be a blur. Chuuya was the first to speak up, noticing your fragile state.

"(Y/N), what-"

"It's too late. I-I'm being executed in moments. See that clock? Only five minutes left."

You could almost see their reactions. Chuuya, being the pissed-off angry boi as he usually was. Dazai looking semi-shocked, always having a defence up. Even if they had proof by this point, there wasn't enough time. Dazai suddenly ran up the stairs, seemingly having an idea.

"Ah well. If you don't catch Kutaro, you bet I'm haunting your ass."

"Idiot, I'm not going to let you die! That bastard Kutaro is gonna be the one behind bars."

You leant against the wall, head relaxed to the side. You couldn't face Chuuya - you wanted to stay strong until the last minute. You had wallowed in your self-pity enough. You stroked the beanie in your hands once more, trying to think of a response.

"You know I can't escape, baka. I'm a highly-valued prisoner and the whole mafia but you is against me. Not even we could pull that off."

You sighed, the two of you not really knowing what to say. You tried to sound nonchalant, but you were upset. In moments, you'd be dead, murdered for a crime you didn't commit. You heard footsteps, and gritted your teeth.

"(Y/N) (L/N), you have been sentenced to execution for crimes against the Port Mafia. You may talk, but nothing you say will change your fate."

Chuuya grabbed the guard by the collar, yelling in their face. You wished he would just stop - it was making it harder to accept your death. Everyone second was agonising.

"Bastard, can't you see she's innocent?! What motivation would (Y/N) have to betray us? And why would she lose?! (Y/N) is strong, she wouldn't lose as easily as it was claimed she did!"

"Chuuya... Please, stop."

He looked at you, his expression a mix of sadness, anger and shock. His emotions were out of control, and his ability was turning on and off. It hurt to seem him so upset, but you were powerless against it. You were also semi-annoyed that you couldn't say goodbye to Dazai. As you stepped out of the cell, you waved to Chuuya.

"See ya later, Chuuya."


They clearly knew he'd put up a fight, because a door quickly closed behind you. You shivered as you walked down a cold, ominous hallway. The guard opened the door, and you froze for a second as you saw a man with a gun. He was quickly loading it. You put your chin up, back straight, and walked in front of the polished white wall. His voice was deep and rough. 

"Stand still and don't move. It'll be over nice and quick."

You stood there, looking straight forward. At least it wouldn't be slow. A droplet of sweat ran down your face. In seconds, you'd be a lifeless corpse. You closed your eyes in anticipation. In 3... 2... 1...

"Sorry, but I'm going to have to interrupt this on orders of the boss~"

Dazai strolled in as if nothing was going on. You felt the colour rise up to your face. Oxygen flowed into your lungs - you hadn't realised you'd been holding your breathe. Dazai smirked at you, handing a slip of paper to the guard. Somehow, the idiot had proved your innocence. You felt tears build up in your eyes, so you blinked them away.

"Thank you, Dazai."

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