Dazai Ending

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You and Dazai soon reached the port. You had sat on your own for most of the journey - Dazai had gone to investigate the boat. Deep down, you felt awful - Kutaro's sister had been caught in the crossfire. Now they were together. Of course, the two of you would have to take the body away. A bell chimed, signifying you had reached the port. You reached into your newly replenished side bag, removing multiple cards. You'd be able to reach the other side without a boat if you used them. You heard footsteps behind you.

"Leaving already?"

You sighed, trying to figure out the best way to move Kutaro's body. You didn't want to disturb him too much - it would be disrespectful. You didn't feel like responding.

"Hm... Well, the bikes are still here. Where will you go?"

You paused for a moment. You hadn't thought of that. You didn't want to leave your safe place in the Mafia, but you also didn't want to go back now that you knew what they'd done.

"I can't go back to the Mafia... Not knowing what they've done."

"Well, you could always come back with me to the Armed Detective Agency."

You thought for a moment. You idly stroked Kutaro's hair. From there, you'd be able to protect the defenceless. No one else would have to die that didn't need to - it was an unrealistic dream, but you wanted to achieve it. You took the gun from its holster, studying the delicate designs. It was time you gave it up - it was submerged in many people's blood.

"Well... No more shoot to kill, I guess."

You let it slide from your hand into the water - you smiled at the ripples of change emitting from its decent. It was time for a new era - time for a world that's purer.

"Aaaaaand that's one fish you just murdered."

You folded your arms, somewhat agitated.

"Shut up."

"Oh? Did I annoy you, (Y/N)~?"

Dazai tilted your head up, teasing you. Well you could play that game too. You closed the gap, leaving a quick kiss on Dazai's lips. You grinned and imitated him.

"Oh? Did I make you flustered, Dazai~?"

"No, more agitated though."


You were cut off as the two of you shared a passionate kiss. That was the moment your world changed.


Chuuya was upset when he found that you'd left the Mafia - however, he respected your decision. You shared a teary goodbye with him - obviously, he hid his tears, but you knew they were there. You still spent days drinking with him.

In the Armed Detective Agency, you and Dazai worked hard to protect civilians. Kutaro was given a very honourable funeral. You were glad Dazai was there to support you. The two of you were a strong duo when taking out criminals.

On another note, you two adopted a golden retriever dog. He was a loyal bean, just like his owner. He was definitely a spoiled pup. The two of you enjoyed his and each other's company very much.


You and Dazai sat in the bar together as Chuuya entered. The three of you smiled, drinking to the old times. Everything was better now - the world was slowly recovering. Dazai raised his glass for a toast.

"To the stray dogs."

"To the stray dogs!"


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