Chapter 2 - Long way from home...

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Some quick notes on speech an stuff:

Chars speaking : I will have my REVENGE

Chars thought's : "They will all pay..."


It's been a month since his birthday and him leaving Konoha, so far it had been a considerably dangerous journey that he had managed to only do thus far through sheer dumb luck, hell there was even a time in the second week when he was forced to fight two bandits gaining multiple cuts and bruises but also killing the two through sheer tenacity. It took him more than a week afterwards to get over his first kills despite how hard he had fought them.

Now here he stands on a shore looking out over the water to a distant land he could barely see with his eyes all the while knowing that whoever or whatever is calling him lies in that land. After resting for a couple of hours he started building a raft as he was sure his current stamina wouldn't be able to sustain him in water walking all the way over there, his chakra yes, he's stamina definitely not.

Taking a good hour to build a proper and sturdy raft he pushed it out onto the water, got aboard with his scarce belongings and pushed away with his makeshift oars to start his rough and stormy journey through the troubled waters of what was once Uzusiogakure. After a good five hours at sea his raft finally landed on it's shores and he crawled off of it exhausted but happy to be alive nonetheless.

Resting for half an hour he finally managed to get to his feet and took some of his rations to eat alongside some of his remaining fresh water. After this month long suicide trek one could see that Naruto was considerably slimmer than before as well as somewhat muscular in areas he obviously used a lot.

Now that he was finally here the voice was crystal clear and he could hear it's deep voice egging him on towards the highest mountain on this land which turned out to be another good three hours of walking in which he finally found the cave it was leading him to. When he went inside he found a colossal slab of unknown material with what looked like a complex seal on it.

Puzzled he was standing there when he felt the voice in his mind once again...

??? - "Blood is what the seal needs child, only then can it tell you are an Uzumaki and worthy for the door to open..."

After hesitating for a bit he cut his palm slightly and smeared blood onto the center area of the seal causing it to light up brightly forcing him to close his eyes. When he opened his eyes again he found a tunnel leading deeper inside and the colossal slab was gone without a trace, following the tunnel deeper he eventually reached a large underground cavern.

When he entered the large cavern he was shocked to see mountains upon mountains of riches but what shocked him the most was the large seal in the middle of the room housing the biggest beast he had ever seen, a wolf that could easily stand face to face with the hokage faces of hokage mountain.

??? - (relieved voice) Child you have finally arrived... I no longer have time...

Naruto - (questioning voice) Just who... no just what are you...?

??? - (slowly gets up) (speaks in a deep ancient yet majestic voice) Child... I... am Immortal Xurius... Wolf of the white winter... and I am the one who has called for you... you have done well to reach me despite being so young...

Naruto - (calm voice) I see, so you are the voice in my head, so for what did you call me all the way to this desolate place for...

Xurius - (calm voice) Child I called  you for two things, one of which you had already passed... even now I can feel the sword reacting to you... the other is something I wish to ask of you...

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