Chapter 5 - First day at Academy and Nuisances

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Some quick notes on speech an stuff:

Chars speaking : I will have my REVENGE

Chars thought's : "They will all pay..."


It was the following day and we find Naruto up early, busy doing his morning exercises before he left the inn and going for a morning run around the village for a couple of times. Of course all of this was done with well over two dozen restraint seals on various places on his young body.

It was a pity he can't use gravity seals yet as it would hamper his growth and leave him short and he sure as hell didn't want to be short. After finishing his morning run he went back to the inn to go get breakfast but just as he was going to eat his nose picked up a strange smell in the food.

Deciding to call the waiter over he immediately asked what was put into his food and by who.

Naruto - (deadly voice) I will ask you once, who poisoned my food, answer or I will kill every single person in this building...

Waiter - (scared voice) Sir, I don't know what you're talking about...

Naruto - (angry voice) Call the inn's manager now!

Waiter - (scared voice) Y-y-yes SIR!

After saying that the waiter rushes of to go call the inn's manager and returns a couple of minutes later with an arrogant looking obese man which from the very first moment Naruto saw him he could tell this was one of the perpetrators so wasting no time he grabbed the mans neck and lifted him of off the ground.

Naruto - (angry voice) Now tell me who gave you the order or bribe for that matter to poison my food!

Manager - (scared yet arrogant voice) N-n-no one!

Naruto - (angry voice) Don't play games with me! Tell me and I might let you live!

Manager - (scared voice) O-o-ok! It was the shop owner on the central street that sells medicinal supplies, he's angry at you for the stuff you stole five years ago! The chef of our inn doesn't know about the poison because I dropped it into your food!

Naruto - (calm but angry voice) Oh... In that case you can die then... (before the man has a chance to beg for his life Naruto broke his neck and dropped his obese dead ass to the ground)

Looking over to the frightened waiter he merely gave them a look before going to his room to go pick up his stuff. After getting all his stuff he left the inn and proceeded straight towards the central street and the shop of the man who ordered for his death.

When he got there he could see the shop was quite busy already with people already moving in and out. Naruto went straight into the store and up to the counter in the back so he could ask for the owner.

Naruto - (calm but serious voice) Bring the shop owner here and do not tell him of me... or I will kill you!

P.B.C - (scared voice) Yes sir!

A couple of minutes  later the shop owner came walking out from the back arrogantly but visibly paled the moment he laid eyes upon Naruto.

Naruto - (calm but angry voice) What's the matter shopkeeper? You look like you've seen a ghost or could it be you weren't expecting me so early in the morning, after all by your plans I should have been dead with your poison by now. Now then let's finish this up so I can get to the academy.

Shopkeeper - (scared voice) S-stay away from me! I-Im sorry ok!

Before he could continue Naruto had already used body flicker to get behind him and break his neck before dropping his dead body to the ground under the terrified gazes of the surrounding civilians. After dealing with the troublesome shopkeeper Naruto simply left the shop and started heading towards the academy.

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