in bed

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I barely manage to sleep and the sun is anything but a welcome sight. I haven't hung blinds or curtains yet and I am sore from sleeping in a pile of blankets on the floor since my mattress is downstairs covered in easily assembled Swedish furniture boxes. I try not to think about my jaunt to the bar last night but my brain keeps drifting back to the would be rapist and the man who patched me up a bit.

The rapist, a man who looked strangely familiar but no matter how much I thought on it I couldn’t come up with why. A passing face in the crowd somewhere in the past two days but I just can't remember exactly, it will come to me later though. I am almost grateful he chose me, I knew how to handle him, some other girl might not have been so prepared. Because whatever it was it sure wasn’t luck.

Because of my past I had learned how to defend myself, use a gun. The knife was all from my dad though, taught me young how to handle a blade for the best effect. Years I had spent in self defense classes of all types, years of building muscle memory so that when my mind blanked my body still reacted.

Though I did meet that Adonis of a man who tended to my superficial wounds last night and held me in his warm arms. His scent was heavenly and it wrapped around me like a fog, making me forget what almost could have happened. I felt safe with him, though because it was a rare feeling, it scared me. So much that I found a silly reason to get upset with him and leave. I know I am odd, its really not even offensive. My emotions were scattered and I couldn't deal.

I slowly get to my feet, stretching my sore arms overhead, hearing my back give a resounding pop I twist around fumbling around the makeshift bed for my phone. 8:30. I have a few hours until my Wi-Fi will be set up and I can start working so I guess I should start unpacking or fixing some of the minor things that need to be done. Like hanging the damn curtains so I can enjoy sleeping in.

I stumble out into the kitchen dressed in a pair of short black cotton shorts and a loose gray tank top, praising myself for the forethought to unpack the coffee pot last night. The walls shudder at the rumbles of a motorcycle come close by the decrepit building I now call home. I start to poke around in boxes unable to locate the actual coffee when I hear the doorbell cry out like a dying elk. Who would be by this early? I don’t know anyone here yet. Ugh! I don’t need nosey neighbors.

Abandoning my quest for coffee I skip to the door and peek out the peephole. My heart jumps in my chest as I spot shaggy blonde hair and amber eyes. I hesitate, why is he here? How did he know where I live?

I swallow and take a deep breath in, he probably figured it out as I don’t imagine they get many new residents to this podunk town. I grab the cold door handle and open the door to his smiling face, shock goes through his eyes as he takes me in. My right side a canvas, done in repeating patterns, shapes, pi, broken up by white feathers and red date stamps. Each stamp a day that had significantly changed me, molded me, kept me motivated. Last night would need one as well.

“Hey.” He takes a step back with a soft smile on his face. “Thought you might need some help with this place and after last night I think… you deserve some hospitality.”

I narrow my eyes at him but slowly nod, trying to remember his name. Stepping to the side I notice the bike in my driveway behind my Bel Air. He holds out a steaming cup of coffee and a small bag with some donuts on it. Adrian.

“Come in.” I manage to choke out as I gesture inside.

“How are you feeling this morning?” he asks as he brushes past me and walks into my small dingey kitchen.

“Could be worse, couldn’t I?” I shrug and close the door, turning around to find him staring at me with a look that has me clenching my thighs together. His amber eyes seem to be stripping me bare and drinking me in.

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