Taken down a peg

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I have been here for two weeks now and I am almost done unpacking and assembling all my cheap swedish furniture. I still have two boxes of books and some more book cases to set up. The books I have left are ones I helped with for either a few chapters or I had edited and couldn’t just be out in the living room, so to my office they will go. There was even one I added a short story to but it was during college.

The book I am working on right now is by an author I met right after graduation. Older, chronicly single, woman who has some of the most colorful replacements for male genitalia, baloney pony, custard launcher, salami, pork sword. Most were food based, of course so were her sex scenes.

I close my laptop, needing a break for a moment. I notice my phone blinking up at me and check it. Adrian, he has been texting me every day but we have only hung out a few times now. I have definitely tried to be his friend and he really does seem to need one but its still awkward.

A: Hey, how's work going? Wanna get dinner later?

I smile but shake my head, I can’t go out tonight I am waiting for a call from another author. I needed to be near my laptop and fax, yes fax, machine. Some of the people I work for are out of touch with the world.

H: Can't go out tonight, waiting for a FaceTime meeting with an author. :(

I actually regret not getting to hang out with him tonight. What the hell? He has gotten to me, he is funny and vulnerable and so much more, I can’t even explain it. He still insist on flirting with me but I just go with it, flirting back. Its nice to not worry how I come off to someone and with him it comes naturally.

A: How long is that gonna take?

H: 20 – 30 min whenever they call, why?

A: can I come over?

I blink down at my phone. Do I have the energy to fend off his advances tonight? Probably not. All I have got on my brain is sex after hours of type setting, spell checking, emailing, translations, I am fried. At the same time I want to see him though. I would just have to hold it together for now.

A:Please. I had a really bad day and could use a friend.

H: Sure we can order a pizza or something.

A:Thanks xoxo

I look at the hugs and kisses with a bit of confusion but hurry upstairs to freshen up. Fifteen minutes later I am rushing to answer the door in a towel almost falling over myself in the process. I am shocked by the sight that greets me.

Adrian looks exhausted, his lip is bleeding, his eye swollen. I know my eyes go wide as I quickly go under his arm trying to help support his teetering form. He smells of stale smoke and gunpowder but I keep my mouth shut, instead helping him inside and about five steps into my barren living room before guiding him down on the couch.

His white shirt has blood stains, his jeans are ripped, and he is wearing something I have never seen on him before, a leather vest covered in patches. The left side said ‘Deviant', the right ‘Enforcer’ and I can feel my stomach flip. I don't bother looking at the rockers on his back, I don’t need to know more than this.

As his arm lowers so does the towel I have wrapped around me but there is nothing I can do, before I know it my towel is on the floor as I am leaning over Adrian. He quickly grabs my hands preventing me from covering myself, his hazy amber eyes drinking in my nudity slowly. I try to move but he holds my wrist firmly on either side of him so that I am now hovering over him.

He leans in closer before suddenly releasing my wrist and pulling me into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me and putting his face in the crook of my neck. Its then I realize he is trembling, violently. I pull him closer rubbing his leather clad back gently.

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