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Everything was going so well between us. We were joking, flirting, even dancing over that line I had forced between us. I felt it was almost perfect.

Of course that shit went right out the window when the ringer from my club phone pulled me from our game, no, not a game I remind myself. I hurry to answer it, afraid of being called away but knowing my duties. My dick is so hard it hurts but I hadn't expected anything more than kissing for now.

"Yeah?" I know my voice is gruff and annoyed but I don’t care. I need this shit to stop interrupting my time with her.

"You fix your shit?" Grim flatly asks.

"Working on it." I laugh. "Need something?"

"You with her now?"

"Yeah boss, why?" This is starting to bug me though I don't let my voice show it. Grim is our president for a reason but I don’t like the interest he is showing in my girl.

"Penni has been spotted near by, she was making some threats." Grim sighs. "Allot were towards your girl there. Keep an eye on her. She might have brought in outside help."

"That it boss?" My fist balls up at my side as I curse my dick for ever finding its way to that woman. Penni was nothing but trouble and I should have seen it then but wasn't thinking with the right head.

"Yeah Deviant, don't fuck this up again. That girl is good for you, probably too good. If she can deal with your shit, club life should be easy. Bring her by soon." He reluctantly admits with a chuckle. Grim isn't the type to approve of any of us settling down but it might be because he himself is afraid to commit."Maybe we should find Abyss a girl, calm his ass down too."

"Don't need to curse some poor girl with that." I laugh, shaking my head. "The girl would have to be a damn bulletproof angel to get close to him without him killing her."

"Can't have both my enforcers going soft on me either." Grim taunts, knowing how to push my buttons.

"I ain't going soft." I growl out but laugh. "Just got a better reason to come home now."

It hits me. What I had just said was completely true. Before I didn’t care if I came home after a job, l would wander around, getting laid, until my head was straight before heading back to the clubhouse. That last job I had, I drove right back.

"Have a good weekend." Grim grunts in an attempt to keep his mouth shut before the line phone goes dead.

I came home because I needed to be closer to her even if I knew I had screwed everything up. Opening the bathroom door again I find my clothes from my bike folded neatly and can hear her clicking away at the keyboard in her office. Did she change her mind?

I pull on the blue jeans and hang up the towel I had used before walking over to her office. She is speaking lowly but she is on the phone, her voice quiet and shaking. From the doorway I can just hear what she is saying as she sits hunched forward with her head in her hand.

" was him, no one else would do that.….no, no. NO!" She huffs out as her shoulders slump. "So there is nothing I can do?… No I don't have cameras… I know…I know….Fuck." She throws the phone at the wall before falling back into her seat with a whimper.

"You okay there babe?" I keep my voice soft, not wanting to upset or startle her. I don't know whats happened but she is distraught.

Her head shoots up followed by the rest of her as she quickly wraps herself around me, her face buried in my chest as she trembled. Her shaking hands rest palm down on my bare chest, my arms wrapping tightly around her. She is breathing in pants but manages to point to the front door with an unsteady hand.

Scooping her up in my arms I move her to the couch before checking what has spooked her so badly. Tucking her under a throw and kissing her forehead then heading out the door. Nothing was immediately noticeable until I got to my bike.

On the garage door, in big, messy, dripping, freshly painted, brownish letters, were the words; "Found you." I couldn't move for a moment as I began to process what was happening. This was a threat and I would be damned if I didn't get her to safety and protect her.

I'm back inside and gathering her things up as quickly as I can. Clothes, shoes, her laptop, tossing it all in my saddlebags before scooping her up off the couch again. She blinks up at me confused but she doesn't argue as I place her on my bike and go lock up her house. We would go to the clubhouse, it would be safer.


As we park in front of the clubhouse I finally allow myself to relax a little. Abyss sits outside, chainsmoking as he paces the length of the building. Dex sits by the door talking on the phone.

Both stop and stare as I help her off my bike. Dex looks up over and ends his call, expecting an explanation. I nod my head towards the door, hoping he will understand. I need to get her to my room and settled in first.

It doesn't take long to get her tucked into my bed, her steady breathing letting me know she has fallen asleep before I even get a chance to question her. I will be back shortly but I lock my door just to make sure she is left alone. I might trust my brothers but horn dogs will always be horn dogs, I know how they looked at her.

I march into church without a word to anyone, just taking my seat and resting my head on the table. I can hear a few people come in but I don't yet go to move. Someone threatened my girl. It could be Penni, it could be Kate, it could be her own damn sister.

"What the fuck is going on Deviant?" Dex asks as he takes his seat.

"Weren't you fixing your shit with your girl?" Grim asks as he sets a beer down next to me. "When I said bring her by…"

"Someone left a message on her house." I state interrupting his jab at me. "She was shaking like a leaf…"

"She has had a stalker before." Ice mentions from the door as he enters. My eyes snap to him and I am grateful for him remembering that detail.Static is typing away on his keyboard,, looking for the answer I seek.

"I will talk to her in a bit but you think someone could go check out her place to see if there is any indicator as to who did this? Didn't have time to look around much myself."  Grabbing the beer, I  take a swig fidgeting with the label. I don't like her being left alone, even if she is under the same roof at me I feel antsy. "I am gonna go check on her..."

I am almost out the door before a voice stops me. Dex, gruff angry sounding Dex. "You sure this bitch is worth all this trouble?"

I growl under my breath, knowing I can't just attack the man for asking a question. My voice hisses as I speak. "She is worth it or nothing is."

Dex laughs at my answer, shaking his head. "Never got the whole settling down shit. Too many women out there for me to want to keep one."

Grim nods his head in agreement. "We could use some old ladies round the club though, class shit up. Don't worry bro, we won't let your girl get hurt. We will find who is behind this and whether it's another club, a past whore, or her shit, we will get you two through it."

"Thanks boss." I nod my head before heading back to my room.


She whimpers in her sleep, wrapping a tattooed arm around her middle with a shiver. Her brow creases leaving a small divit between them. Legs pull into her as she balls herself up tighter in the center of my bed.

Watching her squirm in my sheets, whimpering, does something to me. Quickly stripping, I climb in behind her pulling my arms around her. She relaxes into my touch, unballing herself as our skin  comes into contact.

"You're okay. Safe in my arms. You are okay." I coo into her trying to stop her discomfort. "I got you. You are safe."

Her green eyes hazily look up at me, glazed slightly from sleep as she smiles, blinking up at me. Her hand curls against the back of my neck before she pecks my lips with a slight blush on her porcelain skin. She is perfection.

"I think I love you." My eyes, and hers, go wide at my sudden admission.

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