That F word

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Two hours have passed since I started drinking again and I currently have my hand down some nameless girls shirt rolling a pebbled nipple in my fingers. She is a cute little blonde, big boobs, a petit waist. A good distraction from me being ditched by my so called friend. I plunge my tongue down her throat as I hear Ice clear his throat, but I can't be bothered to look.

Someone had wandered into our seating area. I don’t much care who as right now I am trying to rid myself of the frustration of being stood up. I invited Hex but she never came so here I am blindly groping some bar slut while thinking about the only woman I call a friend. The blonde in my lap grinds her hips into my still uninterested groin and I continue to play along.

“Hey. Hex right?” A deep voice I recognize as Ice's, greets. “Sit. Join us. Have a few drinks.”

I pull back from the girl who is straddling me at this point to see Hex shaking her head. She isn’t looking at me and it irritates me, instead she is looking everywhere but. Trigger comes up behind her and wraps an arm around her shoulder, pulling her to a seat.

“Come on doll, join us for a drink then you can go.” Trigger  leans in closer to her using his flirtatious tone and I watch her pull away, her green eyes icy.

“One drink then I have to go.” She fidgets a little as he drunkenly checks her out. Her entire being shifts away from my predator of a friend and I couldn’t be happier. “I still have things to do tonight.”

“Why did you come then?” Trigger whines, putting a hand on her knee. “Why come out if you had things to do? Such a tease doll. That isn't very fair to us men, giving us a glimpse of you looking so fine then just walking out on us.”

“I was asked to come, even thought it was a date.” Her green eyes dart to me but look away again. I barely catch the hurt that flashes through them and I am unsure if I am just imaging things.

“By who?” He pushes and I can feel anger bubble up in me, who does he think invited her, I was her only friend in town as of yet. I want to punch him, hard, square in the jaw. The fact that she thought it was a date slowly sinking in as I frown.

“They seem otherwise occupied anyways so it doesn’t matter.” Hex shrugs but her voice sounds flat and irritated. “Looks like I came for nothing. I will have a few drinks before I go though. No point in wasting my evening.”

“What a fucking idiot.” Ice smiles at her before forcing himself into the seat between Hex and Trigger, his platinum blonde hair falling into his smiling blue eyes innocently. He is anything but.  “What are you drinking?”

“After my night, whiskey.” She grumbles as her shoulders slump but she smiles and laughs. “The stronger the better..”

“Tough night?” Ice motions a waitress over and orders a round plus a whiskey on the rocks.

“I had the meeting from hell…” Hex says wistfully her green eyes looking up at the ceiling and her dark hair pooling over her shoulders. She looks upset but it fades to coldness after a moment.

“Aren’t you in dirty books or something?” Trigger asks loudly punctuating the sentence with a belch.

Hex cringes and shakes her head, but surprisingly answers. “Erotica, but I don’t write, I  just do editing.”

“So what's the problem? Sounds like an easy fucking job.” Trigger snarks trying to sound arrogant as he stares, eye fucking her.

“Why was the meeting so bad?” Ice interrupts again this time leaning in as she talks.

Charming Hex :hellfireWhere stories live. Discover now