Making up (2)

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I don't know why I said it but it is how I feel, my home is hers. I am hers. I have accepted it. I just have to show her that it is true. How did I even think I could not have her in my life? I am damn stupid sometimes. So wrapped up in myself I can't even see what I really want. Long term has never been my forte.

I watch her looking around with worry seeping from her body. She is nervous, maybe as nervous as me. I don't bring people into my home, my space. This is me really putting myself out there and I can only hope she doesn't leave or freak out.

"How long have you lived here?" Her voice is soft as she slides onto my sofa still looking around in an adorably shy manner.

"Bought this place a few years ago but I don't stay here often enough. The club keeps me pretty busy so I have a room there too." I try to be as honest as possible with her as I take a seat at the other end of the sofa. "I always enjoyed having a place to get away from it all, a place to unwind. The brothers like to rile each other up and sometimes I am not ready to deal with it so I come home."

"So you take women back to your club room?" Her voice cracks a bit as she asks, her eyes looking at the ground.

"No…not usually. The club doesn't have rules about fucking the club girls wherever, whenever. Most never make it to rooms." I feel guilty as the words leave my lips but I need to tell her everything. "Bar sluts don't usually want more than a bathroom bang or a quicky in the car but occasionally I have gone to their places…"

"And the girl from the texts?" Her voice squeaks out and I watch her curl up into herself a bit, pulling her legs up to her chest.

I frown and shake my head. "I don't even know how she got my number…. Penni. She is..was a club whore I made the mistake of screwing twice. She wasn't good or anything just available, didn't mean anything to me. She thought otherwise, it seems as I never go back for seconds. She has stirred up a shitstorm at the club recently and it isn't over yet.."

"Was she mad you denied her?"

"She was mad I was with someone else. That I was bragging about this great girl to my brothers." I scoot in closer to her slowly making sure not to startle her. "I couldn't help myself though, I stopped paying attention to the other girls and spending more time with the guys when I was at the club. When I wasn't I spent time with you or I was here..."

"Me?" She turns to me, eyes wide.

I pull her into my side. "I can't explain why I fucked this up so bad but I won't do it again. I thought about you all the time, I couldn't sleep, I know how bad I handled this…"

"Terribly really." She teases but I can tell its forced.

I can't help but laugh at the way her face scrunches up as she tries to lighten the awkward mood. She is so damn cute, even with the hurt in her eyes. It makes me want to bully her but I also know she could kick my ass which excites me in an entirely different way.

Quickly scooping her up in my arms, not giving her the chance to resist I head to the bedroom. I need sleep, she needs sleep, and I really need her in my arms while that happens. I kick open the door to my bedroom and set her on the foot of the bed before going to my drawers. I need to find something for her to sleep in but it needs to cover yet not cover her.

I hear a giggle behind me and turn to see her wiggling out of her jeans and kicking them to the floor with a yawn, next to the hoodie I must have missed her removing. She blushes as she catches me watching but instead of stopping she reaches under her skimpy shirt and loosens her bra, removing it without removing her shirt, dropping it in the pile on the floor.

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