Chapter Two

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"Hey.....Hey.... are you ignoring me?" I hear whispered behind me.

Don't turn around whatever you do Amara doesn't turn around. As I continue to listen to the teacher I feel someone touching my hair.

"What are you doing?" I whisper yell at him.

"Me? I'm doing nothing" as he releases my hair.

Once I turn around I see Mrs.Wright staring straight at us.

"Would you care to tell the class what you are talking about Amara?" My teacher asked.

"No, Mrs.Wright I was just telling him to stop," I reply quietly.

"Ok then pay attention then." she says sternly.

Once I turn around I see him looking off in the distance with a blank expression on his face. I turn back towards the board for the rest of the class. Once the bell rings I get up to leave. I feel a pull on my arm.

"Hey what is your next class?" Leo says getting up from the desk.

As we enter the hallway I replied," I have Pre-calculus."

"Okay well I have English, I can walk you to your math class?"

"No it is ok I don't want to make you late to your next class. I need to learn the way anyways." As I start to look at the map of the school.

"It is really ok the teacher will understand that I'm late, I won't get in trouble." Leo takes the map and schedule away from me and starts to walk in my classes direction.

"We have the same lunch and PE class." He says as we reach my classes doorway. Once I look into the classroom I see some of the students staring at us in the hallway.

"Well Goodbye." I say as I head into the classroom. Once I enter the classroom I see a spot open in the middle of the 4th row of seats.

"Hi! You must be new here my name is Maddie and this is my boyfriend Greyson." The girl next to me says.
She has black hair and brown eyes, while her boyfriend has dirty blond hair and Emerald green eyes. As I look at her she then says, " what is your name? New girl."

"Hi, my name is Am-Amara" as I look around the classroom. No one is paying attention to us as we talk. As I look over too Greyson he has the same blank expression on his face as Leo did earlier in History class. Maddie catches my attention again by asking why I moved here in the middle of the semester.

I quietly reply so only I can hear "We had to move to get a "fresh start" because of my Father."

Once I know she is not going to ask me to repeat what I said because she didn't hear me so I don't get asked any more questions.

At the end of the class, Maddie asks" do you want to come to eat lunch with us today?" I don't want to get in trouble with my Father. If he finds out I'm going to have more problems then my hurt ribs. As I stand up I hit the edge of the desk making me take a sharp breath in.

Maddie notices and says, " Are you hurt?"

"No, I just hit the desk really hard, Also I don't think I'm going to eat lunch with you today. I have to go find my locker again and call my father." I say not convincing myself as I reply.

As I walk out the door I turn back and see Maddie and Greyson holding hands and not looking at me very convinced, but still, walk towards the cafeteria for lunch.

As I get to my locker I see Leo waiting for me. As I rummage through I switch out what I will need for the rest of the day.

"How has your day been so far?" he asks.

"It has been good. I meet a couple of people in my last class named Maddie and Greyson." I spoke in a quiet tone.

" Wait like Greyson Hudson and Maddie Warren?" he questioned.

"I didn't get their last names just first names." as I look down the hall, " Greyson had emerald green eyes and blond hair. Also, Maddie had black hair and brown eyes?"

"Hey, they are my best friends Greyson and I have been friends for a very long time" he states. " Maddie and Greyson have been dating since they were both 16. They are so annoying at times."

" I think I'm off for lunch, I have homework and stuff to do?" not looking at him. As I start to pull away he grabs my arm and I wince once he grabs me. But I also feel this electricity feel going up and down my arm.

"Please come with me they aren't that bad." still holding my arm in his grasp.

"Please let go," I say trying to not have my eyes water from the pain in the arm from an earlier time with my father.

"Ok, sorry" as he let's go be asks " would you at least take up the offer for tomorrow?" I really don't want to get in trouble with my father. It gets worse and worse as I talk to others. But I can't seem to stay away from him.

" Sure, why not." I say. Oh my, I'm gonna get in so much trouble if he finds out I am talking with other people. I walk into the bathroom to change my bandages on my ribs. Once I'm done a girl with Blond hair and blue eyes walks into the bathroom.

"Look here we have a little miss. nobody here, wonder where she came from. Also why are you hanging out with Leo, Leo is mine leave him alone." she states to her two friends that look pretty much the same besides the hair. The one on the left has red hair and on the right she has light brown hair.

"Im no one you need to worry about." As she gets closer to me. For every step I take she takes a step within three steps I hit the wall. " I will stay away from him. He was the one that came up to me and was talking to me. I didn't want to talk, I was just trying to get to class."

" Well, no one takes what is mine." she says angrily. The next thing I know is I'm getting thrown to the ground. And I'm starting to get kicked in the ribs.

"Pl-Please st-st-op" I whimper as I try to breathe. I hear laughing as the door closes. But as I'm on the ground still trying to get up I hear the door open again. " Please, I didn't do anything" I whimper again. As I open my eyes I see Maddie and Leo kneeling on the ground in front of me.

" Amara who did this to you?" he says through gritted teeth." Please tell me I can teach me a lesson then"

"Leo you need to calm down you fighting someone is not going to help Amara." Maddie says getting paper towels wet for she can get the blood off my face.

"A girl with blond hair and blue eyes said to stay away from Leo. But I told her he was the one who was talking to me. Th-this is wh-what happened." Starting to get my thoughts together I ask, " how di-did you know I- I was hurt?"

Maddie and Leo both look at each other both staring at each other with a blank expression and glassy eyes.
Leo then says" we were walking by from lunch and heard you in here. Let try and get you up." He say.

" Can I at least sit up first?" I ask Leo as he shakes his head. As I sit up the pain starts to become unbearable. I look at Leo and he seems to get farther away from me the more I look at them.

"Amara are you ok?" Leo asks. The next thing I know I'm falling back towards the ground. But before I total pass out I feel someone catch my head from hitting the ground.

* Well I wrote this during my school day hope it's not too bad.*

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