Chapter Five

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"Amara please wake up, I need you here" I hear a voice say. Why can't I open my eyes? I really need to open my eyes. I start to hear the heart monitor with its insistent beeping. Just open your eyes, Amara. All I see is this bright white light. "Amara you are awake" someone yells.

" Who is yelling" I whisper. Letting my eyes adjust to the light. "Hi, who is here," I say still not able to see who I'm talking to.

"Amara it's Leo I'm sitting right next to you"

I look over and see Leo sitting in the chair with a small child sitting on his lap. " Hi, Leo why am I back at the hospital?" I say with a small smile still looking at the little girl with Leo. I start to have this feeling not knowing what this feeling is. It must have shown on my confused face.

"Amara, this is Ashlynn, my little sister" he says hugging her close.

"Hi, you are very beautiful" a small voice says from the same direction

"Th-Thanks" I say feeling my cheeks get warm.

"Ashlynn can you leave us. Amara and I need to talk, go find mom and dad" he says putting her on the ground.

"Bye Amara, can we play later" Ashlynn asks rocking on her heels.

"Maybe, we can see later" I say looking at the little girl with black ponytails and blue eyes. She has the biggest smile lime you just told her she could go eat some candy.

"Bye," she says running out the door.

"So, " Leo says running a hand through his styled black hair. " I have something to tell you but don't freak out."

"Don't freak out. If you are talking about your eyes changing color, it must have been an illusion with the light." I say trying to convince myself.

" Well, you see it is not an illusion my eyes actually change color. See I'm a werewolf." he says.

"That is a great story" this can't be true. This is too weird " Are you joking with me, Leo, because if you are this is a terrible joke."

"I'm not joking my wolf's name is Damien. I'm the alpha of this pack that you are in at the moment and you are my mate," he says with all honesty.

"what do you mean we are mates!" I say looking into his crystal grey eyes, that hold this emotion in them that I can't tell.

"Yea, so you know how there are soul mates in the human world. Well, the Moon Goddess truly gave us a soul mate. We can't live without our mates. Amara, you are my mate." he says in a flat voice.

" Why me, I'm human shouldn't you have a mate that is a wolf." I say getting more confused.

" Well, that brings up the second thing. You have the scent of another male wolf. That wolf would be your father. But your father Ben is a rogue who doesn't have a pack, " he says to explain.

" What does that mean for me?" I'm getting really confused now. What does that even mean?

"Well you see after his scent washed away from you laying here for the past two weeks we found something interesting" he says trying to find the words.

"What is it?" I say trying to sit up on the bed I was laying on.

"Well you have the scent of a werewolf. Every wolf has there own scent yours smells like vanilla and roses. Have you ever heard a voice in your head, that is your wolf?" Leo says explaining more.

"No, not that I can remember," I say getting confused.

" Well, there is only one explanation to this then. Your old alpha must have used his alpha command for you don't become a wolf, " he says getting irritated.

"Wa-Wait you are saying I'm not human. I'm a w-wolf, " stunned. I'm not a human. " What does that mean for me?"

" Well you haven't shifted yet so I'm not totally sure what is gonna happen," he says scratching his head. " We will take this one day at a time" he says with a small smile.

"Ok, I'm just worried what is gonna happen. I'm a wolf that hasn't shifted yet and doesn't know what is going on, " I say starting to freak out.

" Hey, hey, hey, calm down" as he rubs his hands against my cool ones. "Let's talk about this again later. Go to sleep little wolf" he mumbles looking tired himself.

"Ok," I say yawning. "Will you stay here with me, I need someone I know here." As I move over on the bed.

"Are you sure?" he says standing up.

"Yea I'm sure just come here, " I say grabbing his hand. As he moves he still holds my hand and that electrical feel just keeps going through my hand. " Do you feel something when we touch like now?" I say holding our hands up.

"Yeah, that is part of the mate bond. As we spend more time together it will get stronger with time" he says finally under the blanket. As we lay there I snuggle closer to him as he puts an arm over my shoulder and rests my head against his chest.

"Goodnight Amara," he says through another yawn.

"Night Leo, " I say as my eyes closed. I can already feel him asleep next to me.

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