Chapter Four

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Once I close the door I feel part of me die. Knowing that what happens next might be the last day.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" he screams. I slowly try and put my back on the door but he catches on with what I'm doing. As he stalks towards me I whimper and shift my eyes to the ground hoping my submission to him will help me. " YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SHOW BACK UP. EXCEPTIONALLY WITH A BOY THAT DROVE YOU HOME, " he continues to yell at me. I'm soon on the ground with him standing over me.

"Pl-Please I-I ha-have been passed o-out" I whimper trying to get a breath through my ribs. He is now looking at me like I'm the one who did something wrong.

"You have been passed out," he says faking worry, " You have been that boy, you whore! Just admit it maybe you won't feel this for as long." As he raises his foot over my ribs. The next thing I know I'm screaming in pain as he keeps kicking me.

"Stop please," I say through the tears, " what have I done to get this treatment."

"This treatment is for how your mother left without saying goodbye. It is your fault she left" he now is very angry. I take my eyes off him for a second and see blood everywhere from my stitches breaking and him making new gashes from his shoes.


"Who the hell is it," he says pointing at me. I shrug still not able to breathe. He kicks me again against the wall for when he opens the door no one will see me. " Hello, boy what do you have in your hand?" I wonder who it is?

"Sir, your daughter forgot this in my car when I dropped her off this morning" my heart sunk as I heard Leo speak. Leo needs to leave now before my father does something to him.

"While I should be thanking you for dropping off her backpack I didn't know she had a forest green backpack, " he is definitely not convinced by the story.

"Yeah, she said you bought it for her once you got to town" Leo tries looking around the area he can see. "Sir, do you smell that?"

What does he smell? " I don't know what you are talking about son but you need to leave now," Dad says trying to shut the door on Leo. I have gotten up off the floor now. I can see Leo through the crack in the door. He looks over to the crack and I think sees me through it.

"Sir I'm only going to ask you once may I come in," Leo asks totally forgetting common courtesy when at someone else house. He says looking back at me. As I watch him I swear Leo's eye color has changed to an Amber color.

"What happened to your eyes boy they are different?" my father says astonished. In the next millisecond, my father is on the ground with Leo on top of him punching him. My father is not conscious anymore from how many times Leo has hit him.

"H-How did y-you do that?" I question leaning up against the wall. He looks complexed on what to say next. As he is staring at me I see his eyes turn back to his grey eyes that hold thousands of secrets. Wait why am I looking at him like that? Who knows.

"You see..." the starts to trail off, getting off my father. " We have somethings to talk about but let's do it later" scratching his head nervously. " Also you are not staying here. I heard you from the driveway that I was still parked in. Don't ask me why. That's a later discussion." he says talking way too fast for me to catch all of his words.

"Wh-where am I suppose to stay?" I start to feel very light-headed as we continue the discussion.

"Are you alright?" he says placing both hands on my waist to steady me for I don't fall over. I shake my head as I feel the electrical feel on my waist.

"Please help me" I can finally say to him after I take a minute to catch my breath from everything that has happened.

"I wasn't planning on leaving you anytime soon," he says slowly says like I won't understand what he is saying. He moves one of his hands from my waist and tries to put his warm hand on my cheek but I flinch away. The look in his eyes as my natural response to him is afraid he slowly releases me totally. " Let's get somethings of yours so you never have to come back," he says softly.

"Ok" is all I can say. As I try to move my legs buckle, but before I hit the ground I find myself being picked up off the ground. I'm now being carried bridal style up the stairs by Leo. This is all to fast for me to understand. The next thing I know I can feel the darkness come towards me.

<Leos POV>

"No no no stay awake Amara"  frantically trying to make her stay awake. I need to get her out of this house at this moment or that man will have bigger problems than him being passed out and not seeing his daughter again.

"Ezra I need you to come to Amara's house," I say through the mind link still holding Amara close.

"On the way Alpha. Why am I headed to Amara's house I thought you just left her house?" Ugh, I hate when he questions everything.

"Because If you don't get here your future Luna may not live so get here now" I try not to get too mad as I'm still holding her. I hear the front door open and someone moving around the house.

"Alpha" Ezra yells looking around. He is so clueless sometimes. But he does make a good Delta, as he does what you say most of the time without question. Also, he gets work done quickly.

"Ezra upstairs I need you to get some clothes for Amara she is not coming back here ever again. Take what is necessary and we can get more things later"  I say as he walks into her room.

"Got it Alpha. I won't take too long." he says getting to work. I walk back downstairs towards the car. As I'm about to walk out of the house I notice her father was missing. That filthy rogue should have just killed him when we were fighting him, my wolf Damien says. We couldn't have just killed our mate was watching she doesn't know what is going on and that is very clear, I respond back to him. Well, it makes sense why she smelled like a rogue her father is one.

As I put her in the car I feel that disgusting presence of the rogue from somewhere in the woods that surround her house.  I drive back towards pack land away from that house that will hold many secrets.

"Greyson I need a pack doctor to be waiting for my car when we get back. Amara is hurt very badly and needs help" I say through the mind link as the car goes down the road.

"Got it Alpha, a doctor is waiting for you now" Greyson responds "How far are you?"

"We are only a couple of minutes away from the pack hospital," I say looking over at my mate. She may be bloodied and bruised but she is still the prettiest person I have ever seen.

Once I stop the car Dr. White is there with a stretcher. She takes Amara walking away really fast. A nurse comes up to me.

"Alpha I understand that she is hurt and your mate but you can't follow her to surgery. Her Ribs need to be put back into place. Dr.White can't have you getting mad at her for doing things that will cause pain to Amara but will help her heal in the end."

"What am I suppose to do now! " I yell trying not to freak out if I knew she was this bad I would have taken her straight here. What if she dies and if I could have gotten here sooner would have saved her.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the nurse puts a hand on my arm and says, " Go get cleaned up and get something to eat. Amara will want you healthy when she wakes up after surgery. Now go on Alpha." That was a very daring move if it was under different circumstances but I know she is right about this. So I leave to go clean up and eat.

*Happy Thanksgiving and sorry for the short cliff hanger about Amara. Also, hope you liked the different POV.

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