Chapter Three

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

What in the world is that noise? I start to hear a noise as I try to open my eyes.

"Amara you got this you just need to wake up for me babe. I need you here with me." I hear a masculine voice say. I then hear the door shut again. My head starts to get foggy again.

I try again, and my eyes hurt with the white bright light that is starting straight at me.  "Wow, can someone turn down the light," I say to no one in particular. Then I hear a light laugh from the corner of the room. When I see him I notice it is someone I have not met before. He is tall but not as tall as Leo. Also has green eyes and has blond hair. So the only reasonable thing to do when someone you don't know that is in your room is to yell. So I yelled," Help there is a strange man in my room Help!" In a matter of milliseconds, the guy comes running over and places a hand over my mouth.

"Shhh, no need to tell Alpha told me to watch over you till you woke. My name is Ezra Maxwell I'm the Delta of this pack." as he takes his hand off my mouth since I stopped screaming. What the hell is he talking about? Alpha? Delta? Pack? Is this some joke the locals play on others?

" Well... Ezra where am I?" I ask hesitantly. Maybe if I yell again someone will come to save me from this very clearly mental patient.

" Well, Amara you are in the hospital because you lost blood and how bad your ribs we're hurt. So if you stay quiet I can get Alpha Collman and we can work this out." he says matter of fact. How was I suppose to know why I'm in here if I have been passed out. Wait how long have I been passed out?

E-Ezra h-how long have I been passed o-out?" I scared for this answer. I was supposed to go straight home from school. If my father gets home and doesn't see food on the table I'm in deep trouble. I really don't want to get beat again, my ribs hurt every time I breathe and my head hurts.

" Well... you see..." as he is avoiding the question "you have been out for the past three days," he says scrunching up his very tanned face. He looks like he was about to receive a very strong talking too or even get yelled at. At that moment he gets this blank expression on his face like he is focused on something very far away. " Alpha is on his way I better get going. I will let the doctor know you are wake to come to check-up on you." he says walking out the door.

" Well look who is awake," Leo says as he walks into the room. Wait, Leo? Why is he here in my hospital room?

"Hi... Why are you here?" I ask trying not to hurt his feelings. It is just no one has cared enough about me to check up on me. His reaction kind of made me sad, it looked like I had just kicked a puppy.

" Well, I thought you might need someone to talk to at the moment. Also, I might have some explaining to do." he says sadly. Why is he sad? At the moment it hurts to move any part of my body.

As I'm about to answer a lady with a white lab coat comes into the room. "Hi, my name us Dr. White. I was the one treating you while you were out. I got to say how was your body able to handle so much torment over and over again?" Leo has wide eyes looking at me speechless. How was I able to explain to them what I was going through? I need to get out of here now before father gets madder about my absence.

"Am I able to leave? My father has to be very worried. We just moved here he must think I got taken." I say frantically trying to get up at the same time.

"Calm down Amara I will take you home after Dr.White has finished looking at you." He says calmly. Oh my if he said I can go home I can wait five more minutes.

"Ok, Miss.Faith do you have any outstanding pain anywhere?" Is she serious my ribs are on fire with how hard I'm breathing from all the talking.

"Yeah just my ribs." I say realizing my throat is very dry. " Leo can you please get me a glass of water, my throat is dry?" I say whinny hoping he will have no choice to say no.

"Yeah sure here is the glass of water" as he hands me a paper cup that is full of water. I look back at the doctor.

"Well that's a good sign that you are going to be fine. I would just not do anything super physical for a couple weeks. You don't want to end up back here, " She responds. " well I'm done Alpha if you have any more questions you can come see me later, " as she walks out of the room. What is it with them calling him Alpha? Is he in some type of cult or club? Also, what was the guy from earlier talking about a pack and Delta? My expression on my face must have shown I was confused.

"You have a question don't  you?" he says putting his hand through his hair. I shake my head trying to be convincing about me not having any questions. I don't want to pry into his life If he tells me what is going on I will then talk to him about it." Are you sure you seem very conflicted about something."

"No, I just need to get home before my father gets too worried about me." I as shortly.

" Don't worry I texted your father while you were unconscious that you were at a friend's house." Oh no, this is bad. Like really bad, Father is going to be furious when I get home.

"Can we go? I really need to get home." I asked.

"Yeah sure let me help you up" As he told both of my hands I feel this tingling sensation go up to my hands and through my arms. He smiles to himself as he is thinking of something.  Once I'm up he reluctant to let go of my hands. " Well thank you for helping me up can you help me get my shoes on for we can leave?" He bends down to put my shoes on as it hurts to bend over at the waist.

"There you go shoes are on and your backpack is in my car," he says walking out of the room. I try to keep up with him but my 5ft 3in frame is not going to keep up with his very long legs.

"Wait... up... I can't breathe" I say trying to keep pace. But once he turns around to see me he slows down a considerable amount to make it easier to breathe. " Thank you this is a much better speed." As we reach the exit of the hospital I see a very expensive car sitting in the parking lot. Well, I think it's a parking lot? That car is the only one in sight. " Is that your car?" I ask into the mid-afternoon sun.

" yes it is a Ford GT I got this car last year." he says quickly as if embarrassed by what he has just told me. I don't know cars so I have no clue if it is a good car or not. Leo races ahead to open the door for me.

"Thank you for opening the door" as he sticks out a hand to help me down into the car. I take it for I can slowly put myself down in the car. "Thanks again for helping me in the car." I say gratefully about how sweet he is being.

" It is no problem for what happened two days ago you, this should be the least of it" as he starts to get mad. " The girls that hurt you are Bethany and her gang of goons. The one with red hair is Spring and the Brunette is Kate. They think they own the school. Also, Bethany is obsessed with me thinking we are a thing or something." he doesn't sound very happy talking about them.

"Ok" I whisper as we continue towards my house. I really don't want to go back but I don't have anywhere else to go. Also no more family.

" Hey, you ok? I took care of them for you. Amara, you shouldn't have any more trouble with them. Just tell me if they do something. Ok?" he says trying to make a point.

"Yeah, I got that" not really paying attention to him. I see us on the road to my house up ahead. It is a tiny two-story house that has paint falling off the walls. The yard is also dead with the curtains drawn so no one can see inside the house. "Well... Thanks for the ride" I start.

" It is my pleasure to take you home see you tomorrow. Would you like me to pick you up in the morning?" he says almost excitedly.

"No you don't need to pick me up it is not a far walk from here." What is Leo doing? He may have taken me to the doctor after the bathroom incident. But that doesn't mean he needs to try and recruit me for his cult or whatever. "Goodbye Leo," I say shortly " see you in class."

Before I know it he is on my side of the car opening the door for me. "Here you go, my lady. You are hurt and I will try and take some of the pain away" he says. Once I'm out of the car I turn around and see him already back in his car watching me head to the door. Well, today was good while it lasted.

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