Chapter Eight

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Leo's POV

When I wake I feel someone that smells of roses and vanilla. I love that smell I could smell it for the great of my life. I love this smell and our mate. Damien shut it she is sleeping.

As I open my eyes I see the most courageous person I have met. With her bright blue eyes that are slowly gaining life and her wavy shoulder-length hair. I know I have just met her but with her little arm wrapped around my torso and her slight smile as she shifts her weight, I realize I will do anything for my little wolf, even if she can't shift. Last night broke me when she was afraid that the most important people in the pack would not accept her. Lucky for her she has me and I will argue and fight with anyone that will not accept her as she is. I will protect her for as long as she needs.

I look over to the nightstand and see the clock say 7:30 am. What am I doing up this early, whatever it is I should just get up and make this a productive morning. I see Amara is still asleep when I get out of the bed. Instead of a slight smile, it has been replaced with a frown on that little mouth of hers. She reaches out for what I'm assuming is me and finds the pillow I was using and snuggles up to it. I hope she will let me be hers before too long it is so hard to not have her.

After my shower, I see Amara is still asleep and it is only 8:00 so I will go make us some breakfast. I wonder what she likes for breakfast I guess I will need to ask her.

Once I'm in the kitchen I see my little sister Ashlynn.

"Hi, Ash now are you today?" Hoping maybe she won't still be mad that I didn't play with her still.

" I'm great where is Amara I want to play with her. Can I go play with her?" Ashlynn says way to fast for me too understand and is already running out of the room.

"Wait! Ashlynn, Amara is still asleep, she needs her sleep since she is still hurt" I look over to Ashlynn pouting. "Maybe when she wakes you can play with Amara."

"Ok, what are you doing big brother?" she sits on the chair.

" I'm gonna make some chocolate chip pancakes with some bacon do you want to help?" I ask getting out all the ingredients.

"Yes I would love to help can I eat pancakes too?" batting her eyelashes and giving me puppy dog eyes.

" Yea you can have some pancakes why wouldn't I give you pancakes, " I ask.

"You have Amara I thought you would only make pancakes for her now, but you said I could have pancakes so no take-backs." She says putting chocolate chips in the batter for pancakes.

As I'm cooking the pancakes I hear the water start to run upstairs. Amara must be awake and taking a shower. Amara in the shower she is so beautiful and shy that would be a sight. Do get those thoughts it just makes it harder to keep Damien under control.

" Leo the pancakes!" I hear outside my thoughts. Pancakes yum. Wait the pancakes, Amara's pancakes are getting burnt. I flip in an instant and they don't look to burnt to eat. I will just eat them. Where is our mate? Damien asks. Hold your horses the water has stopped she will come down when ready, or we will go up there and get her when all is done. Fine have it your way. Damien quit it.

I smell Amara come down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Wow, I found the way I was so sure I was lost in this huge house." She is truly shocked she found the kitchen.

" Well it is one of the only places you have been in this house so can't be that confusing," I say shocked its not that big of a house.

" That is beside the point. What did you make I could smell it all the way upstairs, " as she gets closer to the counter where her plate is made. "This is way too much food for me to eat."

"You need to eat to get better. So eat it for you can get better, " That came out wrong that was awfully bossy. Her eyes widen oh no she is going to be afraid.

"Ok then, " She whispers turning around and heading to the table. You dumb ass you scared her. She is not going to like you. Shut up Damien I will fix this.

"Leo, are the pancakes done?" Ashlynn asks running into the room. She is great with her timing just great. I put food on her plate and tell her to go eat somewhere else. Well she only complied once I bribed her with some ice cream but that is beside the point.

As we eat in silence at the table she starts to turn white. Did I put something in the pancakes that she is allergic too?

Amara POV

Once he told me to eat I figured I may be able to eat a couple of bites. As I'm eating I feel my stomach churn. I'm not used to eating this much food, also sweet food. I think I'm going to be sick this is way too much for my body to handle at the moment. I see Leo looking down at his plate with a confused expression on his face. I wonder what that handsome boy over there is thinking.

As I'm about to open my mouth I feel everything starts to disagree with my choice to speak. Instead, I run towards the bathroom with someone behind me. I find the bathroom in time to have the past two and a half meals come back up. As I stop I feel a hand on my back rubbing circles and his hand holding my hair back.

Leo's POV

I run after Amara as she runs towards the bathroom. As she is throwing up I hold her hair up for her and rub circles on her back hoping it will help her. She turns towards me with a small smile.

"I'm sorry I'm not the perfect mate that can eat almost three meals without getting sick. I'm broken and no good, " Amara says starting to cry and shut down in front of me.

" No, you have been the perfect mate so far. I should be sorry I pushed you to eat way too much food in such a short period of time. I didn't take into consideration that you may not have eaten that much during times." I say grabbing her and putting her on the counter in the bathroom. I grab and extra toothbrush and some mouth wash for her as she calms down.

"I can't be what you want of me. I'm too broken. I don't know what love is, I have never been super friendly with others because I'm afraid and I'm not strong enough to lead an entire pack." She says as she is done brushing her teeth and done with the mouth wash.

"You are everything that I need you to be. Amara, you are a strong woman that is going to be a great leader. You will be great because you will be compassionate and welcoming to people because of what you have gone through. Also, you will have me next to you every step of the way." I explain hoping she will believe every word as I do.

"Whatever you say, Leo, I will try for you, " she mumbles getting off the counter. " I will clean everything up in the meantime, I feel a bit better."

"No, I will have an omega come clean. Go back up the stairs and take a nap instead. I will be up in a minute, " I say taking her towards the stairs.

As I talk to the omega about cleaning I have this will to go upstairs and sit with her till she is better. Let's go upstairs and see our mate I need to be around her. I'm on my way calm down some.

I reach my door and I hear a noise coming from inside. Crying. I hear the one person in the world that I don't want to cry is crying. I enter the room and she hasn't heard me yet, I wrap my arms around her. She slightly jumps but realizes who it is and sinks into my arms as she continues to cry. This is breaking me to watch as I hold her and run circles on her back again.

* I decided I'm going to do two chapters at a time then publish. I hope that is ok with everyone. Have a nice day!

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