Chapter One

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Casey was talking to him, he was vaguely aware of the words in the background, but Kelly would be lying if he said he was paying attention. In actual fact, he hadn't heard a word Matt had said. His attention had been rather diverted by the woman who'd just walked into the bar and sat down a couple of stools down from Matt.

"Kelly!" Matt jabbed at his shoulder.

"What?" He tore his eyes away from her and looked at his friend. "I was listening, I promise."

Matt just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I bet you were." He twisted in his seat to try and work out what had captured his friends attention. His eyes quickly followed his friends gaze and landed on the brunette sat the bar. "Of course." He sighed.

Kelly waved at Gabby and she quickly brought him another beer. Matt rolled his eyes at her as Kelly slid off the bar stool. "I'll talk to you about this later Casey?" He said, although they both knew he wasn't really asking.

"Fine." Matt groaned. There was no point trying to talk to his friend when he'd got his eye and mind on something else. This was exactly where that infamous Severide reputation has come from.

"Where's he off too?" Gabby asked.

"Where do you think?" Matt raised an eyebrow at her as Kelly slid onto the empty stool next to the woman.

"Ah... of course." Gabby nodded. "So much for him keeping you company for the night then?"

"Yeah." Matt sighed. "I don't think I'll be welcome over there." He laughed.

She nodded in agreement. "I'll ask Herman if I can leave a bit earlier tonight." She disappeared back down to the other end of the bar; leaving Matt to finish his drink, watching as his friend deployed the infamous Kelly Severide charm.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Kelly asked, sliding into the seat next to her.

She turned to face him, a smile crossing her face as her hazel eyes locked with his for a moment. "I don't know... can you?"

"I'm Kelly." He smiled. "Kelly Severide."

"Amber." She replied, taking a mouthful of her wine.

"I've not seen you in here before?"

"You some sort of detective or something?" She asked, draining the rest of her wine glass.

"Fireman." He told her proudly. "What do you do?"

She hesitated for a moment, a slow smile spreading across her face. "I'll tell you what... if you can guess, I'll buy you a drink."

He grinned back at her. "Okay then...." he studied her face closely for a moment, as though it might give him some kind of a clue. Her cheeks flushed as his eyes slowly worked their way down, taking in her slightly dishevelled hair, the slight bump of her nose and lingering on her lips for a moment longer than necessary. "Teacher....?" He guessed, although he wasn't entirely sure why he picked that one out of all of the ideas in his head.

She laughed. "I take back what I said about you being a detective then."

"I was wrong?" He asked, pretending to look horrified.

She laughed quietly. "I don't think I'd be a very good teacher. I've not got even half the patience you need to do that."

"Does this mean I owe you a drink then?" He asked.

She nodded. "I believe that was the deal...."

She watched him as he leaned forwards on the bar, getting the attention of the bartender. The ripple of his muscles under his shirt as he moved didn't escape her notice. Maybe this new start in Chicago might not be all that bad if all the men looked like him....

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