Chapter Eleven

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It was five hours later when Will eventually returned, giving Kelly a reassuring nod as he walked in that allowed Kelly to let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. She was okay.

"She's stable and in recovery." Will smiled. "She's not quite out of the woods but I'm hopeful."

"Can I see her?" Kelly asked immediately.

"Sure." Will nodded. "I'll take you through. She's pretty out of it on all the painkillers and that but I'm sure she'll be pleased to see you."

As he followed after Will a thought suddenly entered his brain and he stopped dead.

"Everything okay?" Will asked, turning to look at him.

Kelly hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was his place to say anything. "How um... if I tell you something, hypothetically, can it stay between us?" He asked reluctantly.

Will took a step towards him. "Well, that would depend on what it is you're going to tell me and if it has an impact on how I care for her." He said slowly.

Kelly gave him a pleading look. "The painkillers... she's um... she used to be an addict." He mumbled, hoping she was going to forgive him for this at some point. "How is that going to affect this?"

Will was quiet for a moment, his mind trying to take in all the new information he'd been given today about the woman he'd been working alongside for months. "We'll keep an eye on her." He nodded. "Ideally we'd take her off everything before it has a chance to cause a problem but she'll be in agony if I do that. We'll work something out."

"Thank you." Kelly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You did the right thing telling me. She'll understand." Will said kindly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "She's just down there, second door on the left. If you need anything call a nurse and I'll be back to check on her later."

"Thanks, Will."


He must have fallen asleep in the chair beside her bed because the next thing he knew he was being woken up by Amber thrashing around in the bed next to him. It took him a moment to work out where he was and what was happening.

"Amber." He shook her shoulder gently to wake her. "Amber, wake up."

Her eyes flew open and she looked at him blankly for a moment. "Where's Jack?"

"He's gone, Erin asked him to leave." He reassured her, sitting back down. "He won't come back, I promise."

She frowned at him. "But... why would you do that? Jack? Where's Jack?" She moved to sit herself up and cried out in pain. "Aaah... It hurts." She hissed. "What happened?"

"I'm going to go and get the doctor," Kelly said quickly, jumping up and heading out into the hall. A nurse called Dr Halstead for him and Kelly paced back and forth by the nurse's station anxiously as he waited for him.

"What's going on Kelly?" Will asked when arrived a few minutes later.

"She um... She woke up and she seems confused. She keeps asking for her husband and wants to know why he's not here. Then she asked me what happened and said it hurt... I don't... I don't know what to do." Kelly blurted out.

"Okay, calm down," Will said slowly. "You go for a walk and get yourself a coffee or something. I'm going to go in and see how she's doing, I can talk to her about what happened. She's probably just a bit confused because of all the medication and everything. Try not to worry, okay?"

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