Chapter Ten

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"Hey, Severide!"

Kelly spun around at the sound of his name. Dawson jogged the last couple of steps to catch up with him. "What's going on with your girlfriend these days?" Gabby asked. "Her assistant just called and cancelled Matt's follow up appointment for the third time. She's sick?"

Kelly shifted uncomfortably, looking down at his feet. She still wasn't returning his calls. "I don't know." He shrugged, avoiding her eye. "I haven't spoken to her this week."

Gabby looked at him for a moment, she recognised that guilty expression of his. "What did you do?"

"I don't know." He sighed.

"Well, best you find out." Gabby rolled her eyes at him. "Her assistant said she's been out sick all week and they don't know when she's coming back."

"Thanks, Gabby." He mumbled. He'd been putting off going to her place because he couldn't face the idea of her shutting the door in his face. Now though he was worried that he hadn't heard from her because something had happened.

He found Shay at the end of shift and checked she'd be okay getting herself home, then drove himself to Amber's place. The building was eerily quiet as he walked inside, climbing the stairs to her floor. He knocked quietly twice but got no response. "Amber." He called, knocking a bit louder. He was trying to avoid causing a scene and upsetting the neighbours but after what Dawson had said he was a bit worried something might have happened to her.

"Amber!" He pounded on the door again.

He was just contemplating how much trouble he'd be in if he just took the door down and forced his way in, he was pretty sure he'd be able to manage it, when she unlocked the door, pulling it open a fraction.

"Kelly?" She mumbled, looking confused as she peered around the door at him. "What are you doing here?"

"You weren't answering my calls. I wanted to check you were okay?" He answered. She looked far from it, well the little bit of her he could see from behind the door. Her forehead was coated in a thin sheen of sweat and her skin was so pale it looked almost translucent. Her eyes were sunken and surrounded by dark circles.

"I'm fine Kelly." She sighed. "Go home."

"No." He shook his head. "Come on, I'm coming in."

He took a step forward and she reluctantly opened the door, not having the energy to try and argue with him. She knew he wasn't going to go away until he'd said whatever it was he'd come there to say.

"How long have you been sick? Have you been to the doctor?" He asked, following her inside and watching as she wrapped herself in a blanket and settled herself back on the couch.

"I think I'm capable of looking after myself." She argued weakly, closing her eyes and resting her head back against the sofa. The walk to the door had been exhausting.

"I'm not so sure about that." He muttered, pressing a cool hand to her forehead. "You're burning up."

"You can go, Kelly, I'm fine." She swatted his hand away without opening her eyes.

He frowned, perching on the edge of the coffee table. "If I said or did something the other night... I'm really sorry."

She opened one eye a fraction to look at him, shaking her head slightly. "I'm not surprised you don't remember. You were pretty drunk."

"I almost certainly didn't mean what I said if I was drunk." He said softly. "I'm really sorry."

She closed her eye again, shifting on the sofa to try and get comfortable. "I don't really care Kelly... Whether you meant it or not, you still said it and it hurt me... I've spent years dealing with a man who doesn't deal with his emotions in any way other than drink. If that's the person you need me to be for you then I suggest you go and find someone else."

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