Chapter Three

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"What've you got?" Amber asked, skidding into the ER having just run all the way there. She'd been paged for an emergency, except they seemed to be missing a patient for her to actually work on.

"Two minutes out." The nurse explained. "Firefighter. Severe head injury."

Amber felt her heart stop for a moment. She hadn't spoken to Kelly all week. He'd gone quiet on her as he'd driven her home the other night, refused to come in when she'd invited him and then disappeared. She'd called him a couple of times but had nothing back. What if something had happened to him?

"Do you know which house he's from?" She asked, not entirely sure she wanted to know.

The nurse looked confused for a moment, but answered her anyway. "51 I think." She shrugged, the approaching wail of sirens indicating the arrival of the ambulance.

As she saw a flash of blonde hair on the gurney that was being unloaded Amber let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding. It wasn't Kelly, but it was one of his colleagues and had a serious head injury. She quickly listened to the details from the paramedics as they wheeled him through and transferred him onto a bed.

"Matt? Can you hear me?" She tried again, getting no response. She quickly grabbed the torch out of the pocket of her lab coat and checked his pupils. "I want a CT head ASAP." She told the nurse. "Page me as soon as the results are back."

The nurse nodded in agreement with what she said and Amber quickly ducked out of the room. There was enough other people in there trying to deal with the rest of his injuries. She couldn't do anything until they had the CT results so there was no point her getting in the way.

She ducked off round the corner, pulling out her phone to call Kelly, only to find she'd already got two missed calls from him.

He answered on the first ring. "Amber, it Matt." He said quickly, not even bothering with a hello.

"I know, I've just seen him." She explained.

"We're all here, in the waiting room." Kelly told her. "Can I see him?"

"No." She answered. "Hang on, I'll come and find you."

She disconnected the call and walked down the hallway, managing to attract Kelly's attention from a way back so she didn't get bombarded with questions she couldn't answer by the rest of them. It looked as though the whole of 51 had taken over the waiting room.

"Hey." She breathed a sigh of relief seeing with her own eyes that he was okay. He was still dressed in all his gear, face black from the smoke but she couldn't see a mark on him. "Is everyone else okay?"

He nodded. "It's just Matt... he um... he went back for the baby. Boden told him to get out but he went anyway. How is he?"

"I'm sending him up for a CT. I won't know anything until then." She explained. She had her suspicions about what the CT would show but they weren't positive and she wasn't about to share them with Kelly.

"You'll take good care of him?" Kelly asked, looking at her with his face full of worry.

She took his hand, squeezing it gently. "I promise." She said softly. "He's in good hands."

Her pager went off, the shrill beeping cutting Kelly off before he could speak. "Matt?" He asked. Her entire body had gone rigid and he could see the look of concern on her face.

"No." She'd always been a terrible liar. "I've got to go though. I'll come find you later." She squeezed his arm quickly and then turned and walked quickly back down the hallway. Once she rounded the corner and was out of his line of sight she started running, trying to get to the OR as fast as her legs would carry her.

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