9| girl

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OVER DINNER, PARKER doesn't stop bringing up the topic of basketball to Mr. Olson. Luckily he seems just as eager as Park to talk about it, so that's good, but it's a boring conversation.

"So, Maddie, you and Sammy have some classes together?" Mrs. Olson asks me.

"Yes ma'am. We have Anatomy and Precalculus." I reply, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"How're you liking Newport?"

I chew on my bottom lip and think for a second. "It's lovely but it's different. I'm sure I'll learn to love it but for right now I'm still gathering." I reply with a small smile.

She smiles back and pats the back of my hand. "I hope so, sweetheart."

Our conversation is cut off when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to my left to see Sam.

Yes, lucky me was sat right next to him.

"Yes?" I ask, trying to be polite considering his parents are right here. And cause the boys would probably ream me if I was rude in front of perfect strangers. Not that they know Sam and I aren't exactly 'perfect strangers'.

"I was just wondering if you wanted the dinner rolls?" He asks, smirking a little. He's holding a basket of homemade rolls, just the smell making my mouth water.

"I'd love one, thank you." I reply, grabbing one and putting it on my plate before handing the basket to Mrs. Olson.

As soon as everyone is in a conversation, Sam kicks my foot under the table.

"You seem tense." He murmurs amusedly, giving me a stupid smile.

I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "You're observant as well as beautiful, Sammy."

His stupid smile falls and I snort, before covering my mouth quickly. I have the worst laugh.

"I think I like Sammy better, actually. It's got a nice ring to it."

He just shrugs nonchalantly and smiles again, shoving some bread in his mouth. "Sure." He just shrugs.

"That whole good boy act earlier was really a dick move." I whisper, narrowing my eyes at him.

He smiles wider. "I think Emmett likes me." He says around a mouthful of food.

"Cause you're a bloody liar." I accuse, rolling my eyes.

"No, I just know how to sway people."

"Oh, just like how you swayed me?" I reply, kicking his foot under the table, except much harder than he did.

"Stop with the footsies, Ems. My parents and your brothers are here." He whispers, winking at me.

"Why do you call me that? Can't you just call me Maddie like everyone else?" I say, trying not to let my voice pick up volume.

"Your brothers call you princess."

"Yeah, cause they're my brothers. You are in no position to be giving me names." I say, ripping a chunk of my bread off and shoving it in my mouth.

"So I can't call you princess?"

"No." I snap.

"Or MJ?"

My glare is the only answer. He raises his eyebrows and nods.

"And I think Ems is definitely not an option, but I'm not dropping that one. I like it." He hums, making me roll my eyes and pinch his arm under the table.

"Young lady, you cannot keep your hands off me can you?" He says amusedly, smiling again.

"Don't blame you, really. I'd do the same thing if I was in your position." He murmurs to himself.

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