48| break

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I'M GONNA GIVE her the talking to of a lifetime after I give her the biggest fucking hug, because this woman will be the end of me.

Apparently she told everyone she was going to bed not too long after I left, and they all gave her space until Leo decided to check on her, and lo and behold, she was gone.

No, I didn't handle the situation with our arguments in the most mature manner, but neither did she, so of course I'm gonna snap and shoot off at the mouth, but I didn't think she'd react like this.

Parker called me around ten, asking if Maddie was with me.

She wasn't.

None of the boys knew where she was, Lia and Leo were clueless, she wasn't with anyone I could think of or anywhere I could think of, so driving through town at almost two in the morning, I'm beyond pissed.

I've gone to her work, I've interrogated Lia and Leo to the point Leo straight up bitch slapped me, I've texted everyone I can think of, and I'm still at a loss.

My phone rings and I pick it up, assuming it's Parker calling for the sixth time tonight, mumbling, "Hey."

Sniffling makes me stop, quickly pulling back and checking the contact.


"Hey, hi, Mads." I rush out, quickly putting it up to my ear again.

"Sammy, I miss you. And I was so mean and I'm sorry. I really want a hug, I feel so bad." She says, hiccuping a little at the end.

"I'll give you the biggest hug, you just gotta tell me where you are, okay?" I pull over to the side of the road, putting all my focus on the crying girl on the other end of the phone.

"You're always so sweet to me and I'm so mean, I'm sorry," she keeps rambling, her voice catching as she cries.

"Maddie, sweetheart, you aren't mean. You're such a lovely girl, we're just having a rough day."

She sniffles, quietly asking, "R-really?"

"Of course, bubba." I assure her, and she just hums, the little hiccup that follows breaking my heart.

"Where are you, Mads? I'll come get you and I'll give you the biggest hug, okay?" I offer, and when she doesn't reply, I add, "I can't see you, Maddie. Do you want me to?"

"Oh, um, yes." She mumbles.

"Where are you?" I ask, moving from the side of the road where I parked and starting to drive again.

"At Lennie's friend's house. I'm sitting outside, I don't- I don't wanna go in. It's too loud and it scares me." She sniffs again, making me let out a small sigh, anxiety building up inside my gut.

"Why are you scared, honey? Is everything okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm just alone and it's scary, Sammy."

"Where does Lennie's friend live?" I ask, putting her on speaker and pulling up google maps.

"It's down the road from CVS, it's the green house. I'm on the front swing."

"Do you have a coat? It's too cold for you to be outside," I say, giving up on using the map and just drive down the road to the CVS there.

"It's not a very warm coat. I'm freezing." She mumbles, and I swear I hear her teeth chattering.

This woman will be the end of me.

"Alright, sweetheart, I'll be there in two minutes. If you don't feel safe inside than just wait for me outside, I won't be long." I tell her, speeding a little but I honestly don't care at this point.

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