17| luck

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"HOW DOES THIS even kind of make sense?" I whisper annoyedly, glaring down at my papers and tapping my desk with my fingertips.

"Ems, you're a good person, but I swear I will never talk to you again if you tap that damn desk one more time." Sam whispers back, turning and meeting my eyes.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes, Olson?"

"I physically cannot think when you make that noise, and unlike some people here, I don't plan on flunking this test." He raises his eyebrows in a challenge and of course I accept, because I don't know when to shut up.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize something that petty bothered you. I'll be more sensitive next time." I snip, sending him one more murderous look before going back to my paper.

"Maybe try studying, it works wonders."

"Are you done?" I mutter, shaking my head.

He opens his mouth to reply with some witty comeback I'm sure, when someone pipes up from behind me, "Miss Stancel, Madeline is cheating off Sam's test."

Sam and I both whirl around, coming face to face with who I can only assume is Nevaeh, considering she's in the group and usually leads. She's smiling, a pair of pretty dimples prominent on her cheeks. Her chestnut hair is tied in a perfect messy bun, her makeup done flawlessly, and her outfit nice and honestly something I'd wear.

At least give me another reason to hate her.

"I wasn't cheating, you bitch." I hiss, and out of the corner of my eye I see Sam hit his forehead off his desk, an action that screams 'You screwed up, Maddie.'

"Miss Lace, I'll see you in detention."

I quickly look to the front of the class, trying to ignore the stares from literally every other kid in the room.

"I wasn't cheating, though!"

"Even if that is true, I don't tolerate foul language in my classroom." She says, shaking her head disapprovingly.

The boys are gonna kill me.

"Miss Stancel, Nevaeh was lying about Maddie cheating and honestly I wouldn't refrain from calling her out either." Sam interjects, making me slide down in my seat, which is my own version of 'You screwed up, Sam.'

"If you feel so strongly about it, Mr. Olson, then you can join her."

I don't look at him, just cover my face with my palms.

After another treacherous half an hour, I finally leave the classroom, confident in an A-, maybe B.

Yay me.

"It's shaping up to be a good day." Sam says sarcastically as we head back to our lockers.

"What about you, dumbass? You got yourself detention and that only gave what's-her-face satisfaction." I mutter, rolling my eyes and walking ahead of him.

"I'm sorry for defending you." He grumbles under his breath, but I catch it.

"Newsflash, buddy, I didn't ask you to defend me. That was totally on you so don't act like you did some great deed, okay?"

"Newsflash," he mocks, waving his hands around.

"you're my friend and you're suppose to stick up for your friends, that's the way it works."

"Woah, trouble in paradise?" Leo asks, walking over to us and taking in our glares and harsh tones.

I just ignore the comment and walk over to my locker, putting my combination in.

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