15| cozy

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"MONOPOLY IS MORE fun with three people, Maddie! C'mon!" She whines, chucking a small plastic house at me.

"Fine!" I snap, grabbing my phone.

I quickly click on Ollie's contact and wait.

"So this is how we're communicating now? I thought maybe I was worth more than that." He teases.

"The Twins have already realized I've reached levels of lazy no human should, but this isn't what I called for." I reply, making Leo give me a confused look.

"Come play monopoly with me and Leo. It's more fun with three people, or so she says."

"I'm studying with Emmett for this test he has coming up, so I can't. Try Parker, but tell him he has to behave." He says, sounding distracted.

"No! What about Winn?"

"Winn is actually getting ready for a date. And he's very excited, so leave him alone for a bit." He tells me.

"Winn has a date! How come no one told me?" I ask quickly, standing up and heading towards the ladder. I hang up and shove my phone in my pocket when all I hear in the other end is Ollie and Emmett talking.

Leo raises her eyebrows and I motion for her to follow me, and I head down the ladder.

I jog into Winn's room, to find him standing in front of his mirror, fixing his hair.

"You look so handsome!" I gush, running to him.

His eyes go wide as I hug him, pulling away to push a piece of his hair back.

"Uh, thank you."

"Why didn't you tell me you had a date? Tell me about her." I say, straightening the collar of his light blue button up.

"I don't know, I just asked her out today after Biology class. And her name is Katie." He shrugs, looking embarrassed.

"Aw! I can't wait to hear about your date!"

"Well, I've got to go. I won't be out long, probably home by eleven at the latest." He says, still looking a little abashed at my fussing over him.

"You look so handsome, Winnie. Have fun!" I tell him, looping my arm through his and dragging him out to the living room, Leo trailing behind us.

"Yeah, uh, I will. Thanks,"

"You going out to get a woman? Nice," Emmett calls from the table, glancing over at us.

"No, I'm going out on a date. Unlike you, who is spending their Friday night alone." Winn smirks, grabbing his shoes from the front door and sitting down on the couch.

"Yes you're right, I'm getting an education. You gotta have priorities, bro." He says shrugging, which makes Leo and I laugh.

"Alright, I won't be out late. I'll see you guys, love you!" Winn says, quickly leaving before I can smother him with another hug.

I sigh and smile to myself.

"I don't wanna play monopoly, lets bake cookies." I announce, walking into the kitchen.

"I've never actually baked cookies." Leo admits, hopping up on the counter and watching me grab out the mixer.

"Uh, it's pretty easy. It's fun too."

I grab out the brown and white sugar, setting them on the counter before asking, "Should we have Sam over? That way we can play monopoly without your dumb boyfriend."

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