Chapter 15

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Song for chapter- Dance me to the end of love. ( vampire diaries version)

«Violet's POV»

" I know they never make any sense." whispered the lady next to me. She was gorgeous and had beautiful red hair and blue eyes, "Hi by the way. My name is Rosalie."

"Nice to meet you Rosalie, my name is Violet." I said with a smile, "So what brings you here? You seem too normal." I whispered.

She laughed and answered, " My husband dragged me here as usual, I was forced into this... Honestly, I don't know what they call themselves. I do know that some of them think they secretly being filmed for something like Beverly Hills housewives. They are a delusional bunch." she whispered making me laugh a little," So what brings you here?"

"It actually the other way around. My husband was reluctant to come but I dragged him here and then I was dragged by his friend's wife to... here. I guess it karma." she let out a little chuckle.

"well we know who wears the pants in your marriage." she said making me laugh, before I could say anything Lydia cut in.

"So tell me how your married life Violet? I mean you are married to Eric Renorez, the biggest catch. Everyone was and still is after him. " said Lydia and I notice her tapping the shoulder of the lady sitting next to her. I also noticed from my peripheral vision, Rosalie's reaction to who I was.

Time to lie and ensure my place in hell.

"It honestly amazing." I said with a smile, " He is the funniest person I know and I am happy that I get to spend the rest of my with him." I say smiling widely giving off my best dreamy eyes earning multiple 'awes' from around the table.

"How did you both meet?" asked the girl next to Lydia who was giving me odd looks.

Well she seems like a potential sociopath.

"through our parents" I said whilst laughing awkwardly and picked up a flute of champagne in front of me, chugging the liquid down my throat which calmed my nerves.

"I heard he is really incredible in bed." said another girl.

Oh , that man-whore! Wouldn't be surprised if he has an STD.

"Ahh... Well it---" before I could give a complete answer, a light kiss was placed on my cheek and the person took the seat beside me. I turned my head towards him and gave him a hug."Hunt!!"

"Vi!! You know how much I love you right? " he questioned, and placed his head on my shoulder. I looked down at him and pushed his head off.

"What do you want?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" he said putting his arm around my shoulders causing me to give him a look,"Okay, fine I need help. Please pretend to be my girlfriend. I have an old flame that won't die out."

"Old flame you say?" I said with a laugh.

"Please!" he pleaded, placing his head back on my shoulder with his arm now locked in mine.

"Fine, but you owe me." I whispered.

" Awe, you the best!" he said loudly and kissed my cheek and went back to the position he was in. I laughed and ruffled his hair. When I looked up, I realized that all the ladies were looking at us and whispering. Hunter also notice," Hey, I'm gonna go, please come find me when you ready." he whispered and left.

"So whose the piece of candy? We all know for sure that it's not your husband." said they lady next to Lydia.

I'm gonna call you Diane. After Diane Downs.

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