Chapter 23

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Song of the chapter- falling like the stars by James Arthur

« Eric's POV»

I entered the Bobbo with Veronica and we made our way to the 'lovely' small table in the corner of the restaurant.

"So shall we talk business?" I asked once we both were seated.

"Oh please, you kill joy. Business can wait, I would love to talk with you old friend." she said, "So I heard you have a wife."

"Yes I do. She went out today with a friend of her's, otherwise I would have brought her with me." I told her.

"Don't you think that's a bit awkward. Your wife meeting a woman whom you loved epically" she said.

"That's all in the past, Veronica."

She went of dragging me down memory lane, going on and on about 'the good' old days, through supper.

"Do you remember how you declared your love for me infront of everyone on graduation day," she said leaning closer towards me but a familiar dark brown hair lady eating a chocolate dessert, had all my attention yet she went on, " How you grabbed me in your arms outside after the function and kissed me dizzy around random strangers. "

Before I knew it, her lip where on mine but it took me a second to register what was happening. Though before I could do anything my eyes connected with very beautiful chocolate brown eyes.


I noticed a tear slide down her right cheek as she stood up and left. I pushed Veronica off me and ran after the woman I hurt whilst guilt weighed me down.

«Violet's POV»

I felt tears well in my eyes as I rushed out the restaurant. He doesn't love me. He doesn't care. I felt a great pain in my chest as my heart slowly shattered bit by bit.

"Violet!" a familiar voice yelled out to me, but I continued walking away until he pulled my arm whilst turning me around which caused me to collide into his chest.

"Let me go! Now." I yelled while hitting him with my hands in the most girly way known to mankind.

He tightened his arms around my waist so I couldnt get out," would you please just listen."

"Save your breath. I have try so hard to stay mad at you but every bit of effort was futile because the truth is I understand, I can't be angry at you because you don't love me or better yet even like me. When we first met you told me that outside these walls of your mansion we are a married couple but inside we are just strangers. Even with that being said, I let myself get tangled into all of this. With all the time that I spent with you, I began to fell something you don't. " by now the tears rained down my cheeks. I battled to say the last sentence in fear that it would finally be my reality and I would be forced to completely accept it, yet with all the strength I had I let my heart shatter to peices," it just unrequited love,and I understand. I really do." I said wiping away my never-ending tears with my sleeves. But I never looked up into his eyes cause I knew I would break completely and be unrepairable.

"Violet, that's just it." he said pulling my chin up, forcing me to meet his eyes, but the emotions I saw in his eyes left me utterly confused,"You don't understand. What I wanted to tell you was that Veronica came on to me because I was too busy watching a dark brown hair lady with chocolate brown eyes eat a slice of chocolate cake, instead of paying attention to what was actually happening," he said looking down at me with intense eyes,"Yes, at a certain point in my life I was infatuated with her and I had mistaken it for love but the truth is I love you."

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