Chapter 44

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«Violet's POV»

My heart froze as the phone slipped out my hand and all the oxygen left my body.

——¥ Few hours Earlier ¥——

I stood in our walk in closet and stared at the little bump,"You starting to show." said Eric as he smiled at me.

"It's starting to feel real." I said to him as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know and I can't wait till she is here." He stared making me laugh.

I turned around in his arms and so that I was now facing him, "She? You already decided it's a girl." I Laughed held his tie around his neck.

"Yes, she is going to be a beautiful girl." he said as I  finished tying his tie.

"It doesn't work like that." I said  as I smiled whilst shaking my head at him.

"Come on let go downstairs or we will be late." said Eric as he walked out the closet.


"Love at least try and smile." wishpered Eric in my ear as I entered the conference room filled with familiar faces that were all investors in the new hotel. To my horror they were all mostly people I met at the gala a while back.

"15 minutes then I am going to fake morning sickness and get Hunter to take me home." I said as I frowned at him.

"You do know I pay you to do this right?" He asked with amusement dancing in his eyes as he smirked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I gave Eric an innocent smile and said, "Of course I do know, but with all these hormones, one wrong look for any of those drag queens and they may not longer have eyes."

"Well, life goes on. You can leave at half past five, when Hunter leaves from work cause I have a inkling of a feeling that this meeting is going to run late." He stated and I knew that there is no way I am gonna get out of here soon.

"Okay," I mopped as we walked in. Eric took a seat right at the front and I was seated next to him and Lidya on the otherside of me. Diagonally across me was Veronica and at that very moment I knew God didn't love me.

"Violet dear, so lovely to see you." she said with a forced smile.

"Lydia, what a pleasure to see you again. I was unaware that you were an investor." I said as I pretended to care.

Damn I should really be getting a Oscar.

"Ah, yes my husband and I work together." she stated.

"How nice." I added with a smile as I thought of a fluffy comfort bed waiting for me at home.

"Oh, but look at you. You look so beautiful, but oh my dear you have put on lots of weight." she stated bluntly.

I took a moment to turn my head towards Eric and stare daggers at him.

Oh how I could kill you right now.

Eric flashed me an awkward smile and then he stood up and grabbed everyone's attention as the meeting commenced.


It has been 3 hours since the meeting started and I was dying.

I am too young for this shit.

Just as I was about to continue writing note a loud ringtone disrupted the meeting. I looked confused as everyone began staring at my direction until it hit me that it was my phone and Eric was ready to kill. I shoved my hand into my bag and took out my phone.

"It Hunter," I said to him, "I have to take this, he is my lift after all."

I rushed out the room and answered my phone,"Hello." I greeted.

"Hey Vi, I was calling to tell you that Diana just went into labour so I can't fetch you from work today." he said to me. I could here the excitement in his voice. Today he was gonna be a dad.

"I am sooo excited and happy for you. I will visit you both after work." I said to him whilst smiling, if it weren't for the 6-inch pencil heels I would be jumping up and down.

I walked back into the venue with a huge smile on my face,"How nice of you to finally join us." said Eric.

I walked towards him and whispered in his ear even though I knew everyone was looking at us I just couldn't hide my excitement," Diana just went into labour, so you have to end this meeting quickly so I can go see my niece." I stated. He smiled at me and I took a seat back down and Eric continued with his slideshow.

« Hunter POV »

"Hello." greeted Violet.

"Hey Vi, I was calling to tell you that Diana just went into labour so I can't fetch you from work today." I said to her. I knew that Violet was excited as well, I could hear it.

"I am sooo excited and happy for you. I will visit you both after work." she said to me.

We said our good byes and she rushed off and I continued driving in the rain. I continued rushing towards my wife so I wouldn't miss the birth of my daughter, my daughter. I can't wait till felicity is here.

I continue straight until a sudden impact caused everything to go dark.

« Violet's POV »

"So to conclude today's meeting—" A loud ringtone yet again interrupted Eric and whose ringtone is? It's mine... again.

I am so fired.

"Really I am literally just about to finish the meeting." whined Eric since he was very annoyed.

"I have to it's Hunter." I replied, "I quickly answered the phone and said," Hunter if it is not important hang up."

My heart froze as the phone slipped out my hand and all the oxygen left my body.

«Eric's POV»

I stopped in the middle of my conclusion when I saw Violet's phone fall out her hand as she sat there shock.

" Violet, what happened? " I asked her, but she was unresponsive. I quickly picked up her phone to find out what is going on.

"Hello? Hello, ma'am?" said the man on the phone.

"Hello." I replied back.

"Hello sir I am officer Stone I called to inform a miss Violet about an accident Hunter Williams was in." said the officer.

"What? How?" I asked absolutely shocked.

"His left hand side of his car was hit but a truck." explained the officer.

Hunter met in an accident...

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