Chapter 43

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I spent really long on pinterest looking at outfits and all that😂😂😂 so here👆is pictures of the other girls outfits 😉


Song of the chapter- Home by Edward Sharpe and Magentic Zeros.


I swear I am gonna kill him! I can't believe he did this!

I currently sat in a beautiful greenhouse in a gorgeous red shiny long mermaid style dress that I just managed to squeeze into. Why am I sitting in a greenhouse one my ask? Hunter wedding reception of course.

The greenhouse was huge with pink and white flowers everywhere

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The greenhouse was huge with pink and white flowers everywhere. There were multiple circular tables placed around the room leaving a nice big empty space in the middle. There were these lovely cilinder containers with pink flowers in it with a cute thank you message. A white macaroon with gold lint was also placed against the container and every inch of this room screened class, including the 6 tear cake covered in black icing patterns and pink flowers.

Diana's father is waxed

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Diana's father is waxed.

I would have been having a splendid time at Hunter's wonderful elegant wedding reception, if only it weren't for the fact that we only found out about his wedding two days ago!

"Stop frowning or your face is going to freeze like that." sung Sophie.

"Don't make me punch you too." I sung back to her.

She shook her head with a smile and said, "Punch one person and now you think you can take on the world." I released a little laugh and she joined in.

"Love, they called you up to give a speech." said Eric causing us to stop laughing.

I stood up and smoothed out my dress before I walked up to the platform and took the mike, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, for those of you that have not yet had the pleasure of meeting me, I am Violet, Hunter's best friend but I prefer sister, " I laughed with a sweet smile, "I remember when I first met him, I used him as a human shield and ever since I have been so thankful for that because you have been my rock and confidant. You always look after everyone one around you, always putting yourself last. So I can't express how happy I am that you got married to Diana because I know she will look after and love you so much and I know you will always come first for her just like how she comes first for you. I remember the first time you told me about Diana, I had never seen you like that before. The love you had for her was clearly evident in your eyes since day one and I hope your love for each other never dies out. I wish you all the best for the beginning of this new magical chapter of life," I said as I raised my glass," To Mr and Mrs Williams!"

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