Chapter 50 Escape

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Day eleven.

I grab the two bottom silver ropes, ripping them off, as well as a lot of flesh.

I grunt in frustration as I see I'm not healing quickly.

I stumble into the dark corner, feeling around for something to escape.

By how drained I am, it must have been longer than four days that I've been here. I've counted that today is the fifth day I've been awake, but I was obviously out cold for awhile.

I feel a small ridge, moving my hands around the ridge, then the boards. There's no way I'm getting through this, unless I break it. I try to contact Accalia, but I get no answer after numerous attempts.

I back into the little space beside the door, realizing that I do not have enough strength at the moment. I can wait until somebody walks in, then run out.

There's a light switch around here, somewhere. Isn't there? 

I place my two hands, nine fingers, on the wall and explore the dirt wall, but notice nothing. The switch must be on the outside. But, no. That's not right. The light was turned on after Ellana entered the room.

I furrow my brow in confusion.

I hear a quiet movement outside the door, and hide in my corner, again.

Shit. If I can quickly move the chair to the corner of the room, she will think I just moved. But, if it's empty, she'll catch me before I can move. I think she's proved who is weaker at this moment.

I don't think. I run to the center, catching a little adrenaline boost. I grab the chair. But then, the door is opened. The overhead light turned on.

Ellana comes into the bright, astonished. She quickly covers it up with anger. 

"Boss?" She says into her walkie talkie. 

I've never noticed it.

"Uh, we've got a situation in here. I don't exactly know how to handle it."

I cock my head. But, soon, I realize my fangs are elongated. My eyes must be a different shade, because she stares into them uneasily.

"I will ask, again." I advance. "What do you want with me?"

A pin is stabbed into my arm.

I glare at it, pulling it out, and stabbing whoever stabbed me. The needle breaks.

"That'll be stuck in your arm, for awhile," I grin, twisting it a little, while he collapses.

Ellana runs for it, but I catch her easily. "You're coming with me. You're going to explain everything."

She thrashes around in my arms, and I duck under the trap door, and into the hallway.

I turn around, locking the tiny door.

How come you didn't help me earlier?

I was busy building up our strength. If I didn't, you would still be in there.

I was getting out, thank you very much.

Not if you didn't grab that needle. Your welcome, you ungrateful swine.

I roll my eyes, turning back.

The hallway extends in three directions, straight, left, and right. I shift to the left, and turn into the first door in the hallway.

There is a chair there, so I set my mate down, locking this door, also.

I cross my arms. "We can wait here for as long as you want. I'm an alpha. I can last longer than you without food."

She huffs, frustrated that I got her.

"Fine. But, if I show you..." She is for sure terrified. "Do you promise to let me leave unharmed?"

"Of course."


"I just sai-"

"Promise me!"

"I fucking promise! What?!"

She smiles, but quickly recovers. "Fine." 

The next thing that occurs is not at all expected.

I back up. "What the fuck?"

The man standing in front of me has red eyes. "I can morph into anybody I want, as long as I see them first."

I snarl. "Where the fuck is my mate?! What did you do to her?!"

"I don't know where your mate is. Peter has all the answers, okay? I just work for him."

"This isn't real." I grip my hair, then stare at him. "My mate was never here?"

He shakes his head. "Now let me go!"

I smirk. "You useless piece of shit. You're going to regret ever doing this to me, you fucking bastard!"

He stands up, not meeting my height whatsoever. "You said you would let me go!"

I bend over, so I can get better look at him. "I say a lot of things."

I grab him by his throat, before he changes into Sophia, somehow, right before my eyes.

I let go, gasping for air that somehow has left me. "What the fuck?! What did you do?!"

"It's not what I did, Jack. It's what you did. She was your mate, afterall."

I growl, walking up to him.

"Wait!" Sophia calls, holding a hand up, tear streaming down her perfect face. "Please," she sobs. "Jack. It's me."

I pause, my breath hitching in my throat. I snarl, punching her in the face, and grabbing her hair.

"Jack... Please. The Moon Goddess sent me through a vision."

My vision blurs red.

"Please..." she cries.

I throw her body across the room.

When I look again, it's Ellana.

"I know it's not you," I grit out.

"But, mates can play with your mind, big boy."

"You're not my mate," I spit.

She walks over to me, stroking my chest. "I could be. We could forget all about the others."

I shake my head, slapping her face. "Come out from hiding, you fool!"

She hisses in pain, then changes back.

"I'm going to kill you. Do you realize that? Your tricks don't work on me."

"But, the other girl worked. Why?"

"The the other girl made me more angry. Bad choice."

He cowers behind the chair.

I laugh, splitting the chair in half, and grabbing him by his neck.

I grab some of the ropes from the wall, and tie one to the beam above. I tie the other end to his neck, grabbing a container of silver from the shelf.

I take some without hesitation, rubbing it on the rope.

I prop the two pieces of the chair together, right below his feet, where he can't reach.

I ignore the sounds he makes, as I walk out, locking the door, and rubbing the excess silver on the door handle.

I continue down the hall, my heightened senses hard at work.

I round a corner to the right, where a guard stands.

"Move, or I move you," I warn.

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