5. Night Shift: Part 2

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*Stu's p.o.v*

"What are we gonna do?" I ask in worry as I look at Y/N's unconscious form.

"The only other person working right now is Luke, the receptionist" Carrie said.

"Then that's who were going to" Freddy said.

"But-" I was cut off when he pushed past me and took Y/N from Kayako and held her bridal style. We all noticed the glare Kayako sent Freddy's way. Freddy walked out of the cafeteria and we followed behind.

"And how exactly are we supposed to get to the receptionist desk? You need a key to open every door in this asylum!" Billy asked.

"I don't know, but we better fucking figure it out. Now stop fucking talking!" Freddy said trying to keep a calm voice, but we could all tell he was worried sick about Y/N. We all were. I don't know why...we just were. We eventually reached the door to the reception area. As we all knew we needed a key.

"Anyone have a hair clip or a Bobby pin?" Pennywise asked mostly to the girls. They all shook their heads sadly.

"They don't allow us any sharp objects and for some reason. Hair accessories are considered sharp objects" Carrie said.

"Fuck!" Freddy cursed. He bent his head down to Y/N's chest to see if she was still breathing. Micheal pushed through both of us and kicked the door with all his might. It left a huge dent, but didn't open. He kicked it once again even harder and to all our surprise it came down. We heard a startled and quick girlish scream come from the receptionist.

"Shut your pussy ass up and fix her!" Freddy demanded as we all walked through the broken down door.


"Did you not hear him? Help her!" Hannibal spoke up his tone no longer calm and sophisticated, but now angry and worried.

"What happened to her?" Luke asked as he now recongnized Y/N and noticed the three long gashes on her shoulder.

"Jason and Freddy started to fight and when Y/N tried to break it up they didn't listen. When Freddy was about to slash Jason she jumped in front and-" Carrie started to explain, but was cut off by Chucky.

"The burnt peice of bacon sliced her!" He said pointing an accusing finger at Freddy.

"On purpose?" Luke asked. Billy and I noticed he wasn't looking at her face, nor the slash on her shoulder, but at her chest. Anger boiled inside of Billy and I.

"Her. eyes. aren't. there!" Billy said in anger. He quit looking at her chest embarrassed that he got caught. The others realized what he had done and sent him a death glare. We would all kill him right now if he wasn't the only way to save Y/N.

"No I didn't slice her on purpose! Why would I do that?" Freddy asked.

"Because she's annoying" Luke said. Carrie flung him against the wall with her powers in a heat of anger.

"Call her that again and see what happens" Carrie said her voice laced with fury. To be honest I've never seen Carrie so angry.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Luke said.

"Please just help her!" Pennywise said. Luke went to the receptionist desk and grabbed some medicine and bandages. We all gathered around Y/N and Luke all of us praying that she was okay. He opened the ointment and lightly dabbed ointment on the three slashes. I saw Y/N flinch a little in her unconscious state.

"B-be careful! Don't hurt her" Brahms said in worry. He listened, but rolled his eyes causing us to clench our fists. He wrapped the bandages around her shoulder. It covered the entire half of her arm, but gladly the slash was covered.

"Wh-when will she w-wake up?" Norman asked.

"Hard to say...but probably soon now that the wound is healing. The whole reason she passed out was because of blood loss and now that no more blood should leave her body she should wake up soon" Luke said.

"Well, wait with us until she wakes up" Chucky said.

"No! Why would I do that? You know how much this girl bugs me? Every single day she walks in here with the perky little smile excited to start the day! And is always asking questions about you guys! Her perkiness is so annoying-" Luke began to go on a rant about how much he hated Y/N. I don't understand how anyone could hate her.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Chucky shouted in anger. Kayako and Samara ran towards him at lightening speed tackling him to the ground. Samara wrapped her hands around his neck and squeezed cutting off his air.

"I happen to find her perkiness very adorable not annoying in any way" Pennywise said his eyes turning from blue to orange.

"We don't need his help anymore...He can die" Billy said and I nodded in agreement. I saw a grin form on Freddy's face.

"We can have her to ourselves" Freddy said. I looked at him in confusion.

"We can kill him and leave with Y/N...nobody will find us or her and she will be ours" Freddy said very proud of his plan. Samara and Kayako seemed to like the plan since Kayako grinned and Samara squeezed his neck tighter. We all looked at each other and nodded in agreement. I grabbed a pen from the desk while everyone else started looking for things around the office that could be used to kill Luke.

I stabbed the pen into Luke's shoulder, but he couldn't scream due to Samara still strangling him. Micheal grabbed his legs and bent them in a way that shouldn't be bent breaking his legs in the process. Pennywise grinned exposing his pointy teeth.

"I haven't tasted fear in so long" Pennywise said as he bite down onto Luke's arm and ripped it from his torso. He then bite into his torso and sucked the blood out of his body. Freddy smashed his head in with a chair. All of us new he was dead at this point, but we still continued to harm him. All of our anger was coming out he deserved to be dead and Y/N deserved to be ours.

"Feels good to kill again" Chucky said with a laugh.

"Wanna eat him?" I asked Hannibal. He shook his head 'no' in disgust.

"I may be a cannibal, but I have standards. He deserves to lay here and rot" Hannibal responded to which we all nodded in agreement. Jason picked up Y/N and we all walked out the door and into the night to find a place to start our new life with our beloved Y/N.

(Okay guys! What did you guys think of the ending of this chapter? Was it a plot twist? It probably wasn't you guys probably saw it coming, right? Lol. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know I haven't updated in awhile so I hope this is really good and you all are pleased with this chapter! Good bye my little physcopaths!)

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